This Interesting Tumblr Thread Is Discussing Whether Adult Cats Should Be Lifted By The Scruff

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This Interesting Tumblr Thread Is Discussing Whether Adult Cats Should Be Lifted By The Scruff

Owning a cat is not always the easiest thing to do (it is never easy, to be honest, wink, wink). The simple act of having and residing with cats teaches you a lot about them over time.

However, even cat owners with years of experience sometimes make mistakes and have questions. For instance, there is a lengthy discussion regarding people's confusion over cats' reluctance to drink water and their need to devise clever ways to persuade their cats into doing so.

It started just about when the internet was invented and hasn't stopped since. You've also probably noticed the eternal discussion on whether indoor cats ought to be allowed outside or whether they were to be permitted to playfight with other animals.

You are constantly learning with cats around, that's for sure. We've discovered a Tumblr thread that's discussing picking up older cats by the scruff of their necks.

So appears that many people immediately defended doing it, however, some Tumblr users disagree. And, here we go with another debate.

People have made some valid points and there is a lot to be learned. Take a look.

We'd love to know what you people think about the matter as well.

1. One Tumblr user said:

Sincere to say, we were shocked by how few people knew anything about it. Although this method is occasionally used on cats by veterinarians in their offices, it is typically advised to stay away from it. 

There are nearly always better methods to handle a cat than trying to choke or hurt it. Be kind to your furry family members.

1. One Tumblr user said:shadythetortie

For those of you who don't know, "scruffing" of a cat is a term used to describe restraining a cat by firmly gripping the loose skin at the back of the cat's neck – this is sometimes accompanied by lifting the cat up or heavily restraining the cat in other ways.

2. And some more info followed:

However, given how many people were taken aback, we are genuinely happy to see this discussion take off on Tumblr. The possible dangers of picking up adult cats by the scruff of their neck should, in our opinion, be made more widely known.

Inform your friends who own cats about this to help them.

2. And some more info followed:Via shadythetortie

3. Others asked:

3. Others asked:shadythetortie

4. This is one way:

4. This is one way:shadythetortie

6. The scruff holding actually helps in some situations:

6. The scruff holding actually helps in some situations:shadythetortie

5. These are the situations people usually resort to scruffing:

5. These are the situations people usually resort to scruffing:shadythetortie

7. But it should be your last resort

7. But it should be your last resortshadythetortie

8. It can cause stress

8. It can cause stressshadythetortie

9. Professionals use it only when necessary

9. Professionals use it only when necessaryshadythetortie

10. The post was not about calling out certain cat owners but about spreading knowledge.

10. The post was not about calling out certain cat owners but about spreading knowledge.shadythetortie

11. Scruffing will not fix bad behavior.

11. Scruffing will not fix bad behavior.shadythetortie

12. Avoid it even when your cat gets stuck somewhere.

12. Avoid it even when your cat gets stuck somewhere.shadythetortie

13. It is all about training

13. It is all about trainingshadythetortie

14. Travel tips:

14. Travel tips:shadythetortie

15. Again, scruffing should be a last resort

15. Again, scruffing should be a last resortshadythetortie

Until it's time for sleep, little kittens are just little furry balls of energy. A boisterous kitten can only be stopped in its tracks by being grabbed by the scruff.

When held in this way, it will suddenly become limp. It resembles pressing a pause button for cats. When grabbed by the scruff, it will instantly submit and regard the person holding it as the dominating one.

Scruffing should only be done sometimes; if you just want to cuddle with your kitten, pick it up by the midsection and support its back with your other hand.
