People Online Share School Day Stories That They Can’t Forget In A Hurry And Here Are 20 Of Them
Apart from being a place of learning, school has its own dose of drama, and we all have stories about our school days that we can’t forget in a hurry
- Published in Interesting
A school is meant for educational purposes, and it provides a conducive environment for you and I to learn under the guidance of our teachers. Schools are where we learn to harness our potential to the fullest.
It is a place where we meet friends and make future networks. School days are fun days except for the bullies, assignments, and everything else you can think of that makes them bad for you.
Apart from being a place of learning, school has its own dose of drama, and we all have stories about our school days that we can’t forget in a hurry. Some are stories that we witnessed, some are stories that we heard in school, while the rest might have happened to us directly.
There are even times when some school dramas affect one so much so that they find it hard to share what they have seen or what they’ve passed through. Either way, there are times when we can’t help but reminisce about the good old school days.
This may be why this Redditor named u/TREX-xi decided to throw a question to the r/AskReddit community, and it says, "What is "that story from your school?" Redditors trooped in to give their own stories, so stay put and check them out.
School stories has been activated
u/TREX-xiRedditors gave more than 2K replies to this question and here are some of the most upvoted ones:
1. Apparently, the killer had bipolar and other mental illness which his family neglected. He was tried as an adult and got a sentence of 7 years.
u/Frecklefishpants2. Do people often steal glasses in China?
u/1O01O01O03. "You jizzed on a car"
u/ThrowCarp4. Assume a camera is on if it's in front of you
u/TheMidnightScorpion5. This is one saddening story
u/GimmeSomeNacho6. And everyone has their own portion off highness
u/ThatBlandGirl7. Oh my!
u/CorollaBeachBum8. And it goes on and on until someone is caught
u/EdgeMiserable43819. That is a awkward one right here
u/cocainesupernova10. And the kid goes commando on other kids
u/quirksoften11. And now I'm going to get you and give you a dose of what you dish out
u/OutrageousSea521212. Lol... Hey parmesan, wait up!
u/Chrispeedoff13. A crazy story about an improvised explosive device
u/hiro1114. What a way to drive your teacher crazy...
u/ggl0315. The second comment is an important question to ask
u/imisswholefriedclams16. I do hope he or she was caught because this is a horrible act
u/iLikeTeslaz17. The things we do for the ones we love
u/carlthatkillspeople818. A story about a terrible guidance counselor
u/EasilyLuredWithCandy19. And no one ever knew
u/1BoiledCabbage20. Why cheat on someone who loves you so much? But eitherway, suicide is never the answer
u/Wrong_Adhesiveness78You can either go to school and become a better person in life or go there and while away your time with nothing to show for it. But then it’s important to know why you’re there, and even if there’s drama going on, focus on what’s important so that you can tell your story tomorrow.
Have a school story to share? Drop them in the comments section below.