People On The Internet Are Praising The Satanic Temple For Stepping Up In The Fight For Abortion Rights

The Satanic Temple announced that they believe in bodily autonomy.

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People On The Internet Are Praising The Satanic Temple For Stepping Up In The Fight For Abortion Rights

When you talk about people with compassion and respect, you probably wouldn't think about the Satanists. However, The Satanic Temple recently went viral on the Internet, and surprisingly, it was for all the right reasons.

The Temple had an announcement recently in which they said they demanded the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) grant them access to abortion-inducing drugs “without being subjected to the agency’s regulations.”

Their demand to get access to abortion pills is known as misoprostol and mifepristone, and it was made under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The Satanic Temple made its demand by sending a letter to the FDA.

Funny enough, the letter made its way to the FDA the same day that the Supreme Court agreed on a Texas law that would make abortions illegal after 6 weeks of pregnancy.

If the law is allowed to remain then it would be the strictest abortion law in the US since 1973.

The Satanic Temple didn't like this new law at all, and they announced on Twitter that they have "Religious Liberty" and they believe in bodily autonomy. This got a mass of positive reactions from people on Twitter and you can see some of them if you scroll down.

The Satanic Temple went viral recently for the letter they sent to the FDA in which they demanded access to abortion pills.

The Satanic Temple went viral recently for the letter they sent to the FDA in which they demanded access to abortion pills.satanic_temple_

The Temple posted an official announcement on their Twitter page where they explained what they did, why they did it, and what it means to us.

The Temple posted an official announcement on their Twitter page where they explained what they did, why they did it, and what it means to us.satanic_temple_

By using Native Americans and the peyote they requested for their rituals as an example, the Temple made a similar request by saying they need abortion pills for their own rituals.

By using Native Americans and the peyote they requested for their rituals as an example, the Temple made a similar request by saying they need abortion pills for their own rituals.satanic_temple_

This isn't the first the Satanic Temple showed its progressive activism and people didn't hesitate to show some love to them

This isn't the first the Satanic Temple showed its progressive activism and people didn't hesitate to show some love to them@Midlife_scrub

The pro-choice people were thrilled to see this support for their cause.

The pro-choice people were thrilled to see this support for their cause.@jussomeotherguy

I guess some people were more impressed by the Temple than others. This person is definitely a big fan now.

I guess some people were more impressed by the Temple than others. This person is definitely a big fan now.@ABKinSTLIt

This user saw a lot of irony in all of this.

This user saw a lot of irony in all of this.@MissAnon666

People are impressed by how the Satanic Temple found a loophole in the system by using the Religious Freedom laws.

People are impressed by how the Satanic Temple found a loophole in the system by using the Religious Freedom laws.@milo_lastname

They recieved support from people all around the globe.

They recieved support from people all around the globe.@BirminghamKav

They might pass this law too if it comes to it.

They might pass this law too if it comes to it.@WillRennar

Everyone has their own body and you should be free to do whatever you want with it.

Everyone has their own body and you should be free to do whatever you want with it.@shhhappens

People are more than thankful to the Satanic Temple and the support they've shown in the battle for abortion rights.

People are more than thankful to the Satanic Temple and the support they've shown in the battle for abortion rights.@nishakittymeow

Even if you don't agree with everything the Temple stands for, you can still give them credit where it's due

Even if you don't agree with everything the Temple stands for, you can still give them credit where it's due@RealBotPower

Well well well, who do we have here

Well well well, who do we have here@JesusImposter

So there you have it, an unexpected ally in the fight for abortion rights was found in the Satanic Temple. Even though their name might have you believe that they're evil, they've always been progressively active.

It's still pretty crazy to see so many people side by the Satanic Temple but this time they deserve the support.
