27 Sarcastic And Hilarious Twitter Posts Poking Fun At Dating Advice Accounts

Twitter users never fail to amuse with their creativeness.

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27 Sarcastic And Hilarious Twitter Posts Poking Fun At Dating Advice Accounts

Approaching a girl and starting off a conversation is one of those challenges every young man has to overcome eventually. It's especially scary when it's your first time doing it and all you think about is what to say and not sound weird.

It's really hard to overcome that fear of rejection but you just have to remember that the worst thing she can do is say no, and that's really not a big deal. I believe approaching a girl should always just be simple and natural, you shouldn't make a big deal out of it, because it really isn't.

But this still presents a big problem for young men who are always looking for new ways and tactics to go about this. Actually, a lot of people will charge money for their advice on this matter.

These gurus want to make all of this look like a science and they will try to convince you that you could never approach a girl successfully without their genius advice.

One such account decided to post a pic of a pretty young woman with the caption asking for Twitter users to share what they would say to the young lady, with a shoutout of his book. And, of course, Twitter went to town with the post, making fun of the account with some hilarious replies.

1. This account asked Twitter users to share how they would approach a young woman sitting alone at a restaraunt.

1. This account asked Twitter users to share how they would approach a young woman sitting alone at a restaraunt.@LearnToAttract

1. They say that being mysterious is attractive.

1. They say that being mysterious is attractive.@laststand117

2. Well... that's interesting.

2. Well... that's interesting.@MarsmanVars

3. Don't want her to catch a cold.

3. Don't want her to catch a cold.@Rappin4Safety

4. How did she just let herself get caught with no guard?

4. How did she just let herself get caught with no guard?@AngusNicneven

5. Oh how the tables have turned.

5. Oh how the tables have turned.@DecolonizeKant

6. Honestly, I wouldn't mind someone doing something like this for me.

6. Honestly, I wouldn't mind someone doing something like this for me.@telephonesis

7. I guess it doesn't hurt to try.

7. I guess it doesn't hurt to try.@spoontoast

8. A knockout dame.

8. A knockout dame.@spikyperilla

9. Maybe we shouldn't listen to Sonic.

9. Maybe we shouldn't listen to Sonic.@zeldajunkielol2

10. Priorities.

10. Priorities.@DaveOshry

11. Smooth criminal.

11. Smooth criminal.@blainecapatch

12. Not everyone is open for conversation.

12. Not everyone is open for conversation.@MarcusRVO

13. "No, I'm not a robot, I'm a human."

13. @DanWilbur

14. Get ready for a crazy story.

14. Get ready for a crazy story.@seanoconnz

15. Make some room please.

15. Make some room please.@ZinZaku

16. Uhhh...

16. Uhhh...@SimpNeelix

17. Let her know you got money, smart.

17. Let her know you got money, smart.@SuperShoku

18. Now this is a good one.

18. Now this is a good one.@jamandakj

19. Belly rubs for the lady?

19. Belly rubs for the lady?@negaversace

20. Probably gonna pass on this one.

20. Probably gonna pass on this one.@scumbelievable

21. She better give him the pineapple.

21. She better give him the pineapple.@BUSSCRO

22. You could score some empathy points I guess.

22. You could score some empathy points I guess.@Liv_Agar

23. Nothing weird here.

23. Nothing weird here.@meowsilly

24. Dinosaur walk time!

24. Dinosaur walk time!@impliedChoppy

25. Might cause traumas.

25. Might cause traumas.@eggshellfriend

26. I say give him a chance.

26. I say give him a chance.@Tasnyx

27. Let's not brag too much.

27. Let's not brag too much.@eliyudin

Like plenty of times before, Twitter managed to deliver and even go beyond what was expected. Twitter has some of the wittiest and funniest people this planet has ever seen and you can't convince me otherwise.

When Twitter decides to start poking fun at something you can expect to see some of the most creative and hilarious content ever. We hope you learned something about approaching women from these incredibly helpful posts and now you can use this knowledge the next time you a lady catches your eye.
