35 Sarcastic Works Of Art That Put The Creativity Of The Human Mind To The Test

This humorous author and artist is aware of the best ways to make people laugh

35 Sarcastic Works Of Art That Put The Creativity Of The Human Mind To The Test

You can usually predict how things will turn out in comics because they typically follow a preset plot. And when it comes to surprising yet occasionally spooky pages, Steve Nelson is among the best comic book artists.

This humorous author and artist is aware of the best ways to make people laugh with his comics. Even while his comics at first glance seem quite simple, a deeper look reveals much more.

Such works are known for their sarcasm and deadpan humor, which may be why he has quickly gained a large following on social media. Would you be willing to join us as we explore his lifetime's works in greater detail?

The comic book series "The Temp" on Audible Originals was created by Brighton, England-based Steve Nelson. Nelson has also made contributions to a variety of radio and television shows.

The only things the artist has ever created are non-sequiturs and one-liners. Below is a compilation of 35 of his writings, all of which are rife with cutting humor, sardonic jokes, and a sense of the surreal.

Enjoy them all, and for the nastier and more cartoonish ones, check out his website and social media!

1. The Roofs of Egypt

1. The Roofs of Egyptsnelse_

2. Taking the cake

2. Taking the cakesnelse_

3. Lobster chef

3. Lobster chefsnelse_

4. Cat in a tree

4. Cat in a treesnelse_

The artist has been creating comedy since he was 16 years old, first as a stand-up comic and then for radio and television. He later acquired his own comedy series on Audible, called The Temp, but he wanted to start his own comedy production company instead.

His first love, painting, became his escape because it was so freeing to create ideas that others could see every day.


5. So CUTE

5. So CUTEsnelse_

6. Hats off

6. Hats offsnelse_

7. Wish for a next one

7. Wish for a next onesnelse_

8. The inclusion

8. The inclusionsnelse_

9. What's going on here?

9. What's going on here?snelse_


10. STINGSsnelse_

11. Hose in different area codes

11. Hose in different area codessnelse_

12. Eating for two

12. Eating for twosnelse_

13. Technology

13. Technologysnelse_

14. A skip intro in real life

14. A skip intro in real lifesnelse_

15. Ben VS been

15. Ben VS beensnelse_

16. Don’t fall for the bait

16. Don’t fall for the baitsnelse_

17. Care bears

17. Care bearssnelse_

18. Mow problems

18. Mow problemssnelse_

19. Good or bad?

19. Good or bad?snelse_

20. Goat Banger?

20. Goat Banger?snelse_

21. Navy things

21. Navy thingssnelse_

22. Quirk Quack

22. Quirk Quacksnelse_

23. Taking the roundabout

23. Taking the roundaboutsnelse_

24. Which are you going for?

24. Which are you going for?snelse_

25. Fortune teller interview

25. Fortune teller interviewsnelse_

26. Interview in the UK

26. Interview in the UKsnelse_

27. Paid to see

27. Paid to seesnelse_

28. Spacesuit

28. Spacesuitsnelse_

29. Dog cones

29. Dog conessnelse_

30. Hipster workout

30. Hipster workoutsnelse_

31. Team meetings

31. Team meetingssnelse_

32. Housefly

32. Houseflysnelse_

33. And the dog sat

33. And the dog satsnelse_

34. Stumped…

34. Stumped…snelse_

35. Careful with voodoo maps

35. Careful with voodoo mapssnelse_

Because the artist rarely sticks to one or two certain subjects, everyone can find variety and randomness in his work. Steve's particular favorite is the Egyptians' misinterpretation of the pyramids' construction plans.

The primary goal of Steve's illustrations is to make people laugh. His passion for painting and gift for making others laugh motivates him to keep working.
