Teen Asks The Reddit Community If He Was Wrong For Demanding The Same Christmas Gift That His Stepbrother Got
If you were OP, would you feel the same?
- Published in Interesting
The sibling's present size might be a metaphor for more significant ways the other siblings feel forgotten. The solution is not to provide additional gifts but to accept your child's yearning for more attention.
Don't commit the mistake of figuring this out on your own; talk it out with someone you trust. Investigate your child's call more completely to assess their needs and the amount of undivided attention they receive from you.
Alternatively, if you and your partner conclude that their complaint is valid, the issue is whether the unbalance treatment of gift-giving is exclusive to this year. Also, find out why they see it as unfair and try to solve it in a peaceful and understanding way.
Perhaps this year, one youngster needs larger or more expensive presents, such as sports equipment or a computer. It's okay if who receives more alternatives varies from year to year.
However, if you discover that the same child receives more each year, you must analyze how and why this occurs. Otherwise, one child will develop entitlement while another develops resentment.
For example, if a child faces a struggle, parents may over-reward or over-provide for this youngster. The second kid ignored due to their sibling's desire for so much attention, feels the hurt of it much more deeply.
Gift-giving becomes the first step in relieving parental guilt. This is probably the struggle of this Redditor's parent as he tried to complain about receiving a gift card while the other sibling gets a car.
OP expressed his disappointment and how he felt the unfair treatment between him and his step brother.
Reddit/carthrowawaypitMaking your children feel that parents have favorite is a heartbreak.
Reddit/lyraterra"Civic looks so pristine."
Reddit/PeachykeennnMaking them feel what you feel is just fair at all.
Reddit/JackNotNameThe real question is, was the car worth 600 dollars?
Reddit/wickedlucky24"NTA there's obliviously some favoritism here."
RedditIf his brother didn't join the scene, maybe it's not him to blame.
Reddit/CNDRock16Even if the costing is fair for both parents, if his father wants to buy one for his son, he can go to his ex-wife and talk about splitting the bill.
Reddit/Terror_BeerSpecial treatment at its finest.
Reddit/captaingrowlerIf you can't afford it for everyone, then you can't afford it.
Reddit/sinkydoodles"Go where you're treated like a valued member of the family."
Reddit/MephistocracySo many reasons to say that you have the emotional support, but they also have money to buy the things his stepbrother needs.
Reddit/composinkid88"Which is completely bulls**t and will probably cost him your relationship."
Reddit/ITworksGuysCouldn't agree more with this.
Reddit"Is Dad planning to do the same kinda thing with your college funds?"
Reddit/teresajsInequality builds resentment and can damage relationship.
Reddit/KilgoreSpaceTroutHe is eaten by the idea of his brother who's always been favored more than him.
Reddit/fzooey78Making use of the given money and putting it in investment to grow.
Reddit/Ki1lm3pl34s3Enjoying things like the only son.
RedditBeing fair is not always giving the same amount or things, it is giving the same attention and love.
Reddit/LeaveForNoRaisin"If the treatment has always been like that, then better distance yourself."
Reddit/blockov12Parents might get into the trap of not thinking clearly and simply responding and reacting, making gift-giving an attempt to bridge an emotional gap with material items. However, this does not meet the child's actual needs.
Engage your youngsters by asking them for one specific item. Less is more, so focus on presents that will boost their self-esteem rather than something that will go away.