Guy Fails To Earn The Approval Of His Boyfriend's Family After Refusing To Eat A Questionably Prepared Salmon Sushi "Cooked" By One Of The Aunts

"Don't risk your health for politeness."

Guy Fails To Earn The Approval Of His Boyfriend's Family After Refusing To Eat A Questionably Prepared Salmon Sushi "Cooked" By One Of The Aunts

Refusing to eat the food your host prepares is considered rude in a lot of cultures. The polite thing to do is to take a bite or two and then smile as you compliment their cooking, regardless of what you really think about it.

However, when the food really isn't to your liking, or you are suspicious of how it was prepared, social niceties go out of the window. Getting side-eyed for the rest of the night is better than having a stomach ache or getting food poisoning.

The situation gets tricky when you're trying to get into the good graces of your host like this OP was. His boyfriend's family invited him to spend Christmas Eve at one of his aunt's houses.

OP was nervous around his BF's family because they do not particularly like him, and he was determined to change their opinion. He was welcomed by a buffet-style dinner, and OP happily grabbed a selection of food.

He grabbed a serving of salmon which looked raw upon further inspection. His BF said the food was probably catered, and OP had the misfortune of grabbing an undercooked one.

OP nervously thought of what he should do. Should he risk insulting the hostess by not eating the food, or should he just hope she doesn't notice the untouched salmon?

OP chose to cut the salmon into smaller pieces and push it around the plate to hide the fact that he didn't eat it. Luck wasn't on OP's side because his BF's aunt definitely noticed and had her feelings hurt.

It turns out, the food wasn't catered and one of his BF's other aunts prepared the salmon to her liking

It turns out, the food wasn't catered and one of his BF's other aunts prepared the salmon to her likingu/SignificanceStill556

She apparently enjoye salmon sushi a lot and "cooked" the salmon to how she likes it

She apparently enjoye salmon sushi a lot and u/SignificanceStill556

It caused a big family drama but they wouldn't tell OP why. Even a month after the event, OP's choice not to eat salmon is still the talk of the family.

It caused a big family drama but they wouldn't tell OP why. Even a month after the event, OP's choice not to eat salmon is still the talk of the family.u/SignificanceStill556

OP had a very good reason not to eat the salmon because of how it was prepared and he had just recovered from getting food poisoning from salmon sushi weeks prior! It's not really a thinker but is OP the a**hole?

OP had a very good reason not to eat the salmon because of how it was prepared and he had just recovered from getting food poisoning from salmon sushi weeks prior! It's not really a thinker but is OP the a**hole?u/SignificanceStill556

Redditors urged OP to look past the salmon issue and consider how trustworthy the source of the drama is: his BF

Redditors urged OP to look past the salmon issue and consider how trustworthy the source of the drama is: his BFJust-Suit259

OP mentioned that the hostess pulled him aside and did appear to be mad at him for not eating the salmon

OP mentioned that the hostess pulled him aside and did appear to be mad at him for not eating the salmonSignificanceStill556

He did admit that he never questioned how much trust he put into his BF's words

He did admit that he never questioned how much trust he put into his BF's wordsSignificanceStill556

These comments are good enough reason for OP to question his BF's loyalty to him and his ability to stand up to his family when they talk badly about OP

These comments are good enough reason for OP to question his BF's loyalty to him and his ability to stand up to his family when they talk badly about OPkenzeyrules

What did he do when he learned that his family members were gossiping about OP? It doesn't seem like he stood up for him.

What did he do when he learned that his family members were gossiping about OP? It doesn't seem like he stood up for him.Just-Suit259

OP was well within reason not to eat raw salmon of unknown origins. Why was it such a big deal that they are gossiping about it over a month later?

OP was well within reason not to eat raw salmon of unknown origins. Why was it such a big deal that they are gossiping about it over a month later?Beautiful_Plate_11

It would be one thing if the aunt is a professional chef but no chef would do what she did to be honest

It would be one thing if the aunt is a professional chef but no chef would do what she did to be honestSignificanceStill556

OP did nothing wrong because getting sick is not worthy of being liked by a group of people as petty as this

OP did nothing wrong because getting sick is not worthy of being liked by a group of people as petty as thisBeautiful_Plate_11

They would have talked about OP if he asked the host to microwave the salmon. They already had opinions of him long before this Christmas dinner.

They would have talked about OP if he asked the host to microwave the salmon. They already had opinions of him long before this Christmas dinner.CaroSCP

The worst thing would be is if he was an active participant during all these gossip sessions

The worst thing would be is if he was an active participant during all these gossip sessionsBrainjacker

Is this really a family OP wants to be a part of?

Is this really a family OP wants to be a part of?sketes-scrotum

Where there is family, there really is drama. I wouldn't eat the salmon either if I were in OP's shoes; it doesn't sound like it was prepared safely or well.

OP was voted not the a**hole by the Redditors who commented on his post, and we are inclined to agree. He definitely had a lot of thinking to do about his BF after all of those comments questioning the guy's integrity.
