Artist Creates Breathtaking Backdrops For The Five Main Sailor Scouts

Each utterly stunning design has been carefully crafted.

Artist Creates Breathtaking Backdrops For The Five Main Sailor Scouts

Canadian twin artists "FalseDelusion" needed to practice their background artistic skills, and that's a tall order, even for skilled and talented artists like them. If you know, you know, but the best way to get better when it comes to illustrations is to practice!

And practice, they did. They took the five main Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon and presented them with some of the most exquisite, gorgeous backgrounds we've ever seen! Each design is carefully crafted to make a statement about the individual Sailor Scouts, too, that much is clear.

False Delusion says of themselves: "We are a small nest of penguins operating in Toronto, Canada. We like studying wolves and eating sashimi while petting the cat and dog." Can't argue with that!

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1. Loki (and children)

1. Loki (and children)falsedelusion

2. Sailor Venus

2. Sailor Venusfalsedelusion

3. Sailor Moon

3. Sailor Moonfalsedelusion

FalseDelusion is a two person team of increidble artists and illustrators.

If Sailor Moon is your entry ticket into their universe, let a few more examples of their stunning work make you a life-long fan!

4. Sailor Jupiter

4. Sailor Jupiterfalsedelusion

5. Ban & Elaine (Seven Deadly Sins)

5. Ban & Elaine (Seven Deadly Sins)falsedelusion

6. Link (Legend of Zelda)

6. Link (Legend of Zelda)falsedelusion

7. Snorlax (Pokemon)

7. Snorlax (Pokemon)falsedelusion

8. "Eeveelutions"

8. falsedelusion

9. Baby Appas (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)

9. Baby Appas (Avatar: The Last Air Bender)falsedelusion

10. Sailor Moon

10. Sailor Moonfalsedelusion

11. Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)

11. Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan)falsedelusion

12. Sailor Mercury

12. Sailor Mercuryfalsedelusion

13. Spirited Away

13. Spirited Awayfalsedelusion

14. Sailor Mars

14. Sailor Marsfalsedelusion