10 Times Text Messages Were So Pathetic They Made Us All Cringe
They are sad, and they are cringe. Sadcringe.

There's a place on Reddit where all the pathetic people get blasted. Well, maybe not all of them, but a lot of them and honestly it's super awkward.
This special place is r/sadcringe and per their description they are "a place for awkward or embarrassing situations that also make you feel sad. Please note: the 'sad' part of /r/sadcringe is in reference to when something makes you feel sad, it's not about calling someone out for being sad."
Trust me when I assure you, these conversations will make you cringe, and they're too awkward not to read all the way through.
1. "Smooth operator"
Smooth is objective.

2. "Yikes"
Hey Alexa, how do I disappear forever? Thanks.

3. "Damn feels bad."
I mean, they have a point.

4. "Persistence is the key to success"

5. "*cringe nervously*"
When the adorable act doesn't go your way.

6. "Oops"
Screw backing away slowly, run fast.

7. "Yea just got fired no big deal. Wanna hangout though"
Hey employees with access to customer contact info: don't.

8. Press F in the chat, bros.

9. I didn't mean to send that.

10. "Oh boy"
So awkward. SO awkward.
