Rudest Things Done By Ungrateful Guests And How These Redditors Were Able To Get Rid Of Them
These people should be banned from coming over and staying at your house.

Having guests at your house can become a bad experience. Although hosts would like to keep their guests comfortable and welcomed, their patience is tested by those who don't even know the basic etiquette of being a houseguest.
The phrase "Make yourself at home" is sometimes interpreted by others as "Do everything you like." Their actions include leaving the house a mess, going through personal stuff, eating all the food and not replacing them, overstaying, letting the hosts pay for their bills, and mistreating the household members that the hosts eventually kicked them out of their homes.
These rude people can be friends, families, or someone they don't personally know. With this, hosts decide if they choose not to let these types of people from stepping into their house again, and this unpleasant experience of guests will make you think many times before inviting someone over.
Various stories of Redditors made the thread trending after Mr_Yus_uwu had asked other users, "What was the worst thing your guest did when they took "Make yourself at home" very literally?" You can scroll down and read how people handled these worse behaviors of guests and see if they deserved to get these treatments.
1. Keep the beer, get rid of him.

2. That was one heated family reunion they had.

3. They need to learn what boundaries are.

4. The nerve of some people.

5. Hand him the shovel so he could do it himself and get to work on time.

6. Action successfully failed.

7. Should've answered, "No, it's from North Dakota so it'll take longer."

8. Never feed an animal you don't own especially if you don't know if it's good or bad for them.

9. These people are awful.

10. Just no.

11. You can teach her to be polite and not meddle with other people's businesses.

12. Hope you sent them the bill.

13. It would be fine as long as the guest looks similar to the picture.

14. Sometimes, you find out who your friends really are.

15. It gives a hint of why they broke up.

16. You don't get rid of other people's furniture.

17. This behavior is unacceptable.

18. Glad that your dad kicked her out.

19. A remembrance?

20. Never trust a person who is mean to animals.

21. No one can take advantage of you unless you let them.

22. That's disgusting.

23. The 100-page phone bill.

24. Such a disrespectful buddy.

25. Eat at the table or don't eat at all.

26. Good thing the password is working.

27. Breaking and entering is a crime.

28. Entitled much?

29. You can return the courtesy on her forehead.

30. Uhmmm, excuse me?

31. Definitely not worth keeping friends.

32. Why can't she stay in a hotel instead?

33. You're lucky that's all he rearranged.

34. Hoping it was returned.

People should also know how to be considerate and treat the hosts' home better than their own when staying over. Their stay should make the hosts feel better for having them, not the other way around.
Although it's nice when someone visits your home, spends time catching up with each other's lives, and makes good memories, it's nicer when it doesn't feel like a burden to you. Like and share for more stories!
