Newly Minted Roommates Fight Over Everything That Involves Their Cats And Point Fingers As To Who Should Compromise
"I have seen this woman live off ramen for a week so she could feed her cats fresh venison"
- Published in Animal Stories
Part of growing up is living independently. It is one of the steps toward growing up that is meant to christen us into becoming fully functioning and responsible adults.
The first part we must go through is finding a place to live. Unfortunately, renting an apartment or a house is pretty expensive.
Any place that is reasonably priced will get snatched up faster than you can say lease agreement. Homes that are actually liveable are expensive.
So how do most adults get by and live in relatively comfortable apartments? The only solution for most of us who do not have generational wealth is to split an apartment with roommates.
Now here's the real challenge: finding a good roommate. You would think that finding another reasonable adult you can live with day in and day out wouldn't be too much to ask but it apparently is.
A good roommate is worth their weight in gold and if you find one, be sure to keep them. Your life will be better for it.
A good roommate is someone who can respect boundaries, who will be friendly but not too intrusive, and someone who can clean their own mess. This lady's new roommate was the opposite of that and she is doing everything she can to make her and her cat's life miserable.
OP and her cat moved into their new apartment 3 months ago
u/Revolutionary-Win713She and her new roommate who also has cats were fine before OP signed the contract but her roommate began bombarding her and their landlord with a ton of messages after
u/Revolutionary-Win713Still, OP moved in and they have had several disagreements since. Their biggest contention comes from her roommate's concern regarding her cats and OP's cat getting along.
u/Revolutionary-Win713They finally reached an agreement where they will allow each other's pets to roam around the shared area of the apartment on separate days but even that wasn't good enough for OP's roommate
u/Revolutionary-Win713Her latest crusade has been to convince OP to shift her cat to a much better diet. Apparently, cat food isn't good enough because this lady actually deprives herself in order to afford fresh venison for her cats.
u/Revolutionary-Win713She offered to help OP out with the more expensive and better cat food. She eventually reneged on their deal when it was time to settle their monthly bills.
u/Revolutionary-Win713She said if OP will insist on feeding having her pet on a "McDonald's for cats" diet, the least she could do is buy him a collar sensor bowl but OP refused.
u/Revolutionary-Win713It doesn't look like this living situation will last but OP is still wondering if she's an a**hole for not relenting to her roommate's demands.
u/Revolutionary-Win713OP replied to a now deleted comment and explained the "McDonald's for cat" food she feeds her pet
Revolutionary-Win713They live in one apartment and if they split their bills evenly and aren't deliberately terrible to each other, neither should really dictate what the other does
Still_Storm7432OP says her roommate does pay more for rent since she is renting the bigger room but everything apart from that is split evenly
Revolutionary-Win713Is there any way for OP to get out of her lease right now?
Happy-Greyhound-8821Their landlord believes this issue is between OP and her roommate and refuses to get involved
Revolutionary-Win713Someone pointed out that both OP and her roommate should have considered their cats before living together
TilikonOP explained what happened way before she signed the lease and it's very obvious they didn't take the comfort of their cats for granted
Revolutionary-Win713Can OP and her roommate come to an agreed feeding schedule for their cats to avoid any food sharing?
Legion564OP suggested that to her roommate but she shut it down since she prefers to let her cats graze, so does OP
Revolutionary-Win713A cat owner who is also a stickler for the food their cat eats did what OP's roommate refused to do — admit that it was their problem and not their roommate's
Meggarz66OP did what she could but her roommate is stubborn. Unfortunately, OP has to wait for her lease to be up next spring.
TanyecThis means that OP has to be more vigilant with how her roommate treats her cat because she might do something unthinkable to force OP to leave
The__Riker__ManeuverMoving in with a roommate is difficult and moving in with an animal in tow comes with its own unique challenges. We've seen that and more in OP's story.
It's pretty clear, to us at least, that the problem is not with OP or her cat, it's with her uncompromising roommate. It is sad that OP and her cat have to wait it out before they can move out of their stifling living conditions.