Redditor Almost Gets Served With Death Cake After Her Sister's Roommate Added Coconut Despite Knowing About Her Allergy

The roommate thought that the cake was too bland so he decided to add coconut shavings

Redditor Almost Gets Served With Death Cake After Her Sister's Roommate Added Coconut Despite Knowing About Her Allergy

It all began with OP's 18th birthday approaching. OP's sister, "S," was keen on making a memorable cake for her sibling's special day. She had asked OP about cake and frosting preferences, and the decision was clear - a classic chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

As S was in the kitchen diligently crafting this delectable chocolate masterpiece, Treeman, the problematic roommate, walked in. It's worth noting that S already had a few gripes with Treeman over his lackadaisical attitude, especially when it came to cleaning up after himself.

Treeman, seemingly interested in the baking endeavor, inquired about the cake's flavor. S, perhaps hoping to keep things civil, obliged, sharing that it was a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

But here's where the plot thickened. Treeman, with an air of culinary expertise, suggested adding coconut shavings to the cake to "add some flavor." Innocent enough, except for one minor detail - OP had a coconut allergy, a fact well-known to S.

S, maintaining her composure, explained the situation to Treeman. She reminded him that the cake was specifically tailored for her sister's birthday and that everyone present enjoyed chocolate. There was no need for additional ingredients.

However, Treeman was not easily convinced. He contended that the cake should cater to everyone's tastes, not just OP's. Despite S's clear explanation, Treeman seemed insistent on adding coconut shavings.

As S attempted to leave the kitchen, thinking the debate was over, the unexpected happened. She returned to find Treeman in the midst of sprinkling coconut shavings atop the cake!

S was understandably furious. In her panic, she tried to salvage the situation by scraping off the offending coconut. But the damage had been done. Treeman's culinary escapade had transformed a simple chocolate cake into a coconut-chocolate surprise.

Recognizing the potential danger of serving the cake to OP, S decided to forego it altogether, remaking a new cake through the night to ensure it was entirely coconut-free.

While S went to great lengths to correct the cake catastrophe, the story took a final twist when Treeman dared to ask for the cake he had meddled with.

The story is about OP's sister "S" and her roommate, Treeman

The story is about OP's sister u/Sorrelfur

OP's sister was making a cake for their 18th birthday when Treeman started asking about it

OP's sister was making a cake for their 18th birthday when Treeman started asking about itu/Sorrelfur

Treeman suggested adding coconut shavings to the cake

Treeman suggested adding coconut shavings to the cakeu/Sorrelfur

OP's sister told Treeman that OP is allergic to coconut but he couldn't care less

OP's sister told Treeman that OP is allergic to coconut but he couldn't care lessu/Sorrelfur

After the sister finished the cake, she caught Treeman adding coconut shavings on top

After the sister finished the cake, she caught Treeman adding coconut shavings on topu/Sorrelfur

The sister wasn't going to risk it so she stayed up late to make another cake for OP

The sister wasn't going to risk it so she stayed up late to make another cake for OPu/Sorrelfur

OP's sister moved a few months after

OP's sister moved a few months afteru/Sorrelfur

A murder attempt

A murder attemptu/NekoRabbit

He didn't care at all

He didn't care at allReddit

The perfect revenge

The perfect revengeu/imagine_amusing_name

This humorous yet slightly absurd tale serves as a reminder of the lengths some siblings are willing to go to ensure their loved ones' happiness. S's relentless dedication to making her sister's birthday special, despite the hijinks, paints a heartwarming picture of sibling love.

On the flip side, it also highlights the peculiar dynamics often witnessed among roommates, where even the most well-intentioned suggestions can sometimes go awry.
