Student Escapes Rent Hike, Worries About Leaving Roommate In The Lurch

"Our landlord suddenly announced a crazy high price increase starting the next month."

Student Escapes Rent Hike, Worries About Leaving Roommate In The Lurch

Managing shared living arrangements and the financial obligations that come with them can be a complex process. It requires a careful balance between individual comfort levels, mutual obligations, and the need to respect one another's personal space.

OP's story illustrates such a situation in an illuminating manner. OP, a student, and her working roommate have cohabited in a two-bedroom apartment for about four years.

The pair had initially agreed that OP would pay slightly less rent due to her roommate's difficulty in finding another suitable tenant. This six-month agreement, however, stretched into four years.

OP attempted to rectify this financial imbalance by taking over all the household chores and allowing her roommate the majority of the shared storage space. Despite frequent disruptions to her peace and the desire to move out, OP continued living in the apartment out of concern for her roommate's well-being.

However, the balance shifted when the landlord announced a steep rent hike. OP seized the opportunity to find a new, affordable place, much to her roommate's dismay.

Despite her roommate's pleas to stay two additional months, OP agreed to stay for only one more month. This led to harsh accusations from the roommate, who felt betrayed and wronged.

Now, as OP prepares to embark on her new housing journey, she grapples with the guilt of her decision and the tumultuous end of their shared living experience. She remains committed to doing right by her roommate while also prioritizing her own needs.

Despite the complexity and emotional turmoil of the situation, OP seeks reassurance that her actions are not unreasonable.

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

OP, a student, and her working roommate have cohabited in a two-bedroom apartment for about four years.

OP, a student, and her working roommate have cohabited in a two-bedroom apartment for about four years.Reddit

OP attempted to rectify this financial imbalance by taking over all the household chores and allowing her roommate the majority of the shared storage space.

OP attempted to rectify this financial imbalance by taking over all the household chores and allowing her roommate the majority of the shared storage space.Reddit

However, the balance shifted when the landlord announced a steep rent hike. OP seized the opportunity to find a new, affordable place, much to her roommate's dismay.

However, the balance shifted when the landlord announced a steep rent hike. OP seized the opportunity to find a new, affordable place, much to her roommate's dismay.Reddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:Reddit

It really isn’t OP’s responsibility to maintain her roommate’s finances

It really isn’t OP’s responsibility to maintain her roommate’s financesReddit

"OP has more than adequately compensated for the financial difference"


OP has gone above and beyond

OP has gone above and beyondReddit

The roommate needs to grow up.

The roommate needs to grow up.Reddit

This is a good piece of advice:

This is a good piece of advice:Reddit

"Her problems are not your problems any longer."


The bottom line is:

The bottom line  is:Reddit

In assessing this situation, one might conclude that OP's actions are not just reasonable but also necessary for her well-being. Over the years, she has shown tremendous consideration and kindness towards her roommate, from taking on more than her share of chores to accommodating her roommate's needs at her own expense.

However, the roommate's consistent disregard for OP's comfort, combined with the recent drastic rent increase, has understandably prompted OP to seek better living conditions. While her roommate's reaction is unfortunate and emotionally charged, it's important to remember that OP has every right to prioritize her own needs and secure an environment conducive to her studies and peace of mind.

It's clear that this change is long overdue, and moving forward, it will be beneficial for OP to establish clear boundaries and expectations in her new living arrangement to avoid similar issues in the future.
