Redditor Has Roommate From Hell And Can't Get Rid Of Her, So She's Making Roommate's Life As Miserable As Hers

"I did everything possible to make her life uncomfortable"

Redditor Has Roommate From Hell And Can't Get Rid Of Her, So She's Making Roommate's Life As Miserable As Hers

Revenge is a cruel thing that one can do to another. But if someone wants to get revenge, it means they can't bear mistreatment anymore and have decided to take the matter into their own hands instead of bagging and waiting for someone to do better.

A Reddit user shared her story about how she handled a terrible roommate and an even worse situation she got herself into. Back in 2008-2009, the OP separated from her unfaithful husband and soon after, formed a friendship with a new colleague, Amy.

Due to financial reasons, the OP and Amy decided to share an apartment. But as the OP moved on, finding better job opportunities and even beginning a casual relationship, Amy developed evidently jealousy.

Amy would make advances at the OP's male guests, including the OP's new boyfriend, Tom, who later moved in with them. Amy's behavior deteriorated drastically when the three of them started sharing an apartment.

She stopped paying rent, consumed the OP's groceries, neglected household chores, and let her cat defecate around the apartment. The turning point was when the OP's treasured DSLR camera disappeared, intensifying tensions between the roommates.

In response, the OP started a "petty revenge" campaign. Owning all the household items and holding the apartment lease, the OP restricted Amy's access to amenities, changing passwords, and even relocating food to a locked room.

She also returned a stolen laptop that Amy had taken from a coworker. After six stressful weeks, Amy left, abandoning a trash-filled room. In an unexpected twist, the OP's stolen camera was mysteriously returned six months later.

For the next couple of years, whenever the OP discovered Amy's new living situation, she'd inform the new roommates of Amy's previous misconduct. This once resulted in Amy's immediate eviction. Eventually, the OP stopped these warnings, feeling she had made her point.

The OP's story:

The OP's story:Reddit

The OP said she got a divorce and started living with her colleague friend Amy:

The OP said she got a divorce and started living with her colleague friend Amy:Reddit

At first, everything was great, but then Amy started changing her behavior:

At first, everything was great, but then Amy started changing her behavior:Reddit

At some point, the OP met her boyfriend, Tom, and he started living with them:

At some point, the OP met her boyfriend, Tom, and he started living with them:Reddit

And that's the time when Amy became the worst roommate ever:

And that's the time when Amy became the worst roommate ever:Reddit

The OP explained all the troubles that Amy gave her:

The OP explained all the troubles that Amy gave her:Reddit

But then, the OP's expensive camera disappeared:

But then, the OP's expensive camera disappeared:Reddit

It devastated the OP:

It devastated the OP:Reddit

It was the last straw for the OP, she started her revenge campaign:

It was the last straw for the OP, she started her revenge campaign:Reddit

The OP explained what her revenge included:

The OP explained what her revenge included:Reddit

The OP admitted she did everything in her power to make her life uncomfortable:

The OP admitted she did everything in her power to make her life uncomfortable:Reddit

Finally, Amy moved out and left her room in awful condition:

Finally, Amy moved out and left her room in awful condition:Reddit

For the next two years, the OP warned Amy's roommates about her behavior each time she would move:

For the next two years, the OP warned Amy's roommates about her behavior each time she would move:Reddit

At least someone had returned her her camera

At least someone had returned her her cameraReddit

The OP supposes the camera was returned by Amy's sister or boyfriend

The OP supposes the camera was returned by Amy's sister or boyfriendReddit

One Redditor has a different idea

One Redditor has a different ideaReddit

Excellent work

Excellent workReddit

The OP explained

The OP explainedReddit

A Redditor was curious about the cat

A Redditor was curious about the catReddit

The OP said everyone knew about the missing camera

The OP said everyone knew about the missing cameraReddit

The OP added some info

The OP added some infoReddit

What a story. But many Redditors wondered why the OP didn't evict her roommate much sooner and why she put up with her.

The OP explained she was waiting for something to change and for Amy to come to her senses. But tell us, what would you do if you were in the OP's shoes?
