Woman Demands Her Roommate Replaces The Special Wine She Drank With Her Friends

The woman's roommate drank her wine even though she knew it was hers.

Woman Demands Her Roommate Replaces The Special Wine She Drank With Her Friends

Living with roommates can be a rollercoaster ride, with various challenges and conflicts along the way. In this Reddit story, our protagonist finds herself in a frustrating situation involving a prized bottle of wine and a roommate's carelessness.

OP, a self-proclaimed non-drinker, had discovered a wine that she genuinely enjoyed during a wine-tasting excursion. She purchased a bottle of this unique and spicy wine infused with hot peppers and stored it safely in her portion of the shared pantry.

One Friday evening, she returned home to find her roommate, Morgan, and two of Morgan's friends indulging in her prized wine. Naturally, she confronted Morgan about the situation, only to be met with an excuse that her friend had opened the bottle unknowingly.

Morgan seemed to believe that it was acceptable because OP had mentioned not being a wine enthusiast in the past. But here's the kicker: This particular bottle was the only wine OP had ever enjoyed enough to purchase.

She had been saving it for a special occasion or to share with her sister on a future visit. Unfortunately, her plans were thwarted as the bottle was nearly depleted by Morgan and her friends, leaving only a meager amount behind.

Understandably upset, OP requested that Morgan replace the wine. Morgan initially agreed but later presented a different bottle, a regular wine from the local liquor store.

Disappointed, OP clarified that she wanted the same wine that was consumed, not just any substitute. She emphasized that the issue wasn't solely about the wine itself but rather the fact that Morgan knew it was hers and still allowed her friends to partake in it without consideration.

Morgan's reaction was far from understanding. She complained about the inconvenience of obtaining the original wine, stating that the winery was a three-hour drive away. Unimpressed, OP made it clear that Morgan should take responsibility for the situation, regardless of whether it was her or her friend who opened the bottle.

OP shares an apartment with two roommates

OP shares an apartment with two roommatesu/Hjelpmeh

OP rarely drinks alcohol, but during a recent wine-tasting trip, she found the first wine she actually liked

OP rarely drinks alcohol, but during a recent wine-tasting trip, she found the first wine she actually likedu/Hjelpmeh

One night, OP came home to see her roommate, Morgan, and two of her friends drinking OP's wine

One night, OP came home to see her roommate, Morgan, and two of her friends drinking OP's wineu/Hjelpmeh

OP was understandably furious after seeing they drank most of it

OP was understandably furious after seeing they drank most of itu/Hjelpmeh

OP told Morgan that she wants her to replace the wine

OP told Morgan that she wants her to replace the wineu/Hjelpmeh

OP made it clear that she wants another bottle before the lease is up

OP made it clear that she wants another bottle before the lease is upu/Hjelpmeh

OP is left wondering if she was too harsh with Morgan, so she turned to Reddit for opinions

OP is left wondering if she was too harsh with Morgan, so she turned to Reddit for opinionsu/Hjelpmeh

She owes it

She owes itu/holisarcasm

She's the responsible one

She's the responsible oneu/NotCreativeAtAll16

It's all quite simple, actually

It's all quite simple, actuallyu/manonaca

So, where does the blame lie in this scenario? From an outsider's perspective, it seems evident that Morgan is at fault. She knew the wine belonged to OP, yet she allowed her friends to consume it, even partaking in it herself.

This breach of trust and disregard for personal belongings is a clear violation of boundaries. In contrast, OP simply wants what was rightfully hers, seeking a replacement for the exact wine that was consumed.
