These 18 Epic Fails Will Definitely Crack You Up

Two words: Emotional damage

  • Published in Funny
These 18 Epic Fails Will Definitely Crack You Up

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. You could have a rock-solid plan that you have gone over repeatedly, yet when it is time to execute it, everything crumbles. We get it, and we have all been there.

You may blame it on your terrible luck, failure to go to your psychic that month or even the fact that you didn’t listen to the note inside the fortune cookie you bought recently. 

However, the truth is epic fails do happen once in a while. It’s just the way life is.

The hilarious part about these failures is that you barely see them coming. You may be going about your day prepared to tackle a challenge head-on, only for the challenge to attack you, horns first. 

You’re not alone in this. We bet if you asked fifty people to recount their epic fails, they would have quite the stories to tell. 

Even if we can’t change the fact that these things will happen, at least we can break out in unbridled laughter over them.

Whether it is as bad as a gasoline leak or a confession of love that ended the worst way possible, or as simple as a grammar fail, every epic failure comes with its unique feeling of sadness. It’s why they are called epic! 

However, as bad as they may be, they are still hilarious. Absolutely, ridiculously hilarious!

We’ve compiled a list of epic fails that will crack you up. Let’s get right into it!

1. Epic content for your viewing pleasure

2. Uh-oh, this one is going to be difficult to top

"In celebration, let me light this comically large cigar."

3. Two times the rejection, two times the pain

If at first you don't succeed, try again.

4. The Adderall way of saying goodbye

5. In the history of unwanted affection, this one might just be the worst

6. Omg??? Most people would find a new therapist after this

7. Epic grammar fail

We think “they sucks” too

8. Modders when they don't get that new release they've been dying for

"Fine! I'll do it myself."

9. This photograph by Brooklyn Beckham

What exactly are we looking at here? Take a wild guess.

10. Kids have no filter when they're hurt

11. Excellent plan

12. Gather here If you've ever been in this situation

13. It's either this is an intentional joke or he played himself

14. When you're having a wartime birthday

"Happy wartime birthday to you!"

15. "55 day winning streak RUINED"

Nothing wrong about prioritizing your human joy over a game.

16. Halloween decoration gone wrong

Always clear out after Halloween.

17. What are the odds of this ever happening to you?

18. The owner of these shorts needs a hug

We're sure after seeing these you realized some of your epic fails are not so bad after all. If there is anything to take from this post, it is that everyone has their share of epic fails. 

We're sure you have your own interesting epic fails. Don't be afraid to share some of them in the comment section! 
