14 Ridiculous Beauty Trends From History
If you think that some beauty trends are weird now, you're definitely in for a surprise.

The beauty and fashion industry are always evolving, even when we don't even realize it at first. A lot of us women have grown up thinking that we need to tweak or fix some parts of ourselves just to make us more confident and conform with the standards of society, that some people do all these makeup and surgeries just to let them have that permanent change they need to fix themselves.
Today, the beauty industry is now worth about $532 billion overall, and the demand to improve the way we look always goes up at a steady rate. While a lot of us may think that makeup, surgeries, and beauty trends are totally normal, there are actually a lot of "hacks" out there that are just so borderline ridiculous it looks like they just put it out for people to make fun of.
These "trends" didn't just emerge out of nowhere, though, because they have been here already centuries before. However, the trends today are nowhere near as ridiculous as the trends that our ancestors had to put up with before, because some of them are just completely gross you won't believe that people actually did them back then!
A TikToker named Zachary Margolis posted a video that tells some of the most obscure, strange, and even dangerous beauty trends that have sprouted all throughout history as part of his series "Offbeat History." Just check out some examples below!
1. When someone will say your head looks like a rat's nest, this would be the thing you will remember

2. Too much x-ray is dangerous!

3. They like to make their teeth disappear?

4. Arsenic wafers as skin whitening alternatives, but it comes with a series of dangerous side effects that could lead to death

5. Well, that explains a LOT of paintings we see at present time

6. We have truly come a long way...

7. It's modern day equivalent is: "Just get a piercing"

8. Take a look at the video below!
9. Oh, so sickly, drained looks were in back then. No wonder why a lot of people are attracted to Timothée Chalamet.
Disclaimer: he is gorgeous and he is a fantastic actor!

Iconic as ever.

11. Other people's sweat as moisturizers? Hell no.

12. Killer hair dryers

13. Coco Chanel starting a trend just by sleeping

14. Frida Kahlo does it best and natural

15. Seriously, urine? Good thing someone invented a legitimate mouthwash in our time!

16. It is SUCH a relief that the process is much more different nowadays

Did some of these leave your jaw hanging? They are so ridiculous and gross that you would finally begin to appreciate the "ridiculous" trends that we have now!
Good thing we were born way later than these trends made their way into the mainstream because there is no way that this generation would ever touch a splash of some other stranger's urine, how much more gargle them? Disgusting!
Which of these made you cringe? Comment down your thoughts below or share this for all your family and friends to see!
