People Are Sharing The Strange Experiences They Have With Rich People Pretending To Be Poor

Being poor is not trendy, it is a hard reality for many people; so why would rich people cosplay it??

  • Published in Funny
People Are Sharing The Strange Experiences They Have With Rich People Pretending To Be Poor

One of the strangest things in the entire world is when rich people pretend to be poor. Rich people always go around saying “money can't buy happiness.”

Now, this might be a true statement, I don't know. But as far as I’m concerned, money can pay your rent, buy your food, pay your bills, make sure that you have suitable access to healthcare--which may not be happiness, but it would sure make me a lot less sad.

This manifests in so many ways, particularly, like, at college or university when people keep saying “oh I’m so broke” yet their parents are bankrolling their entire lives and giving them an allowance. There's nothing wrong with trying to be budget friendly and live a more frugal lifestyle, but it is very strange to act as if you live in poverty when you don't.

Rich people if you're listening: being poor isn't trendy or a fashion statement. It's a sad reality for many, many people, so if you read these things and you know that you're guilty of hiding your wealth in such a way, maybe take the time to send some money to a poor friend or to a charity—because being poor actually sucks and other people need help.

1. Surely the only reason people can do minimalism is if they have a big house to hide all their junk, right?

1. Surely the only reason people can do minimalism is if they have a big house to hide all their junk, right?Source

2. People who intentionally get their shoes scuffed! That's half the shoes life gone! You know they're rich because they KNOW they can afford to buy new ones.

2. People who intentionally get their shoes scuffed! That's half the shoes life gone! You know they're rich because they KNOW they can afford to buy new ones.Source

3. Rich people pretending they couldn't cope in the pandemic was so annoying! We're not all in this together! You have stable housing, a job you can work from home, and staff to wait on you!

3. Rich people pretending they couldn't cope in the pandemic was so annoying! We're not all in this together! You have stable housing, a job you can work from home, and staff to wait on you!Source

4. Like seriously?

5. Being able to afford eco-friendly products is a privilege, but a rich person's carbon impact is still probably bigger than a poor person's! probably higher than a poor persons!

5. Being able to afford eco-friendly products is a privilege, but a rich person's carbon impact is still probably bigger than a poor person's! probably higher than a poor persons! Source

6. The best part of quarantine was seeing inside people's houses and finding out who was rich

6. The best part of quarantine was seeing inside people's houses and finding out who was richSource

7. Yeah this has BRPE (big rich people energy)

7. Yeah this has BRPE (big rich people energy)Source


To all the rich people thinking "oh they're just jealous of us!" Well, we're not jealous of you, just of your ability to be fake-poor, rather than real-poor!

9. Intention holes in clothes.

9. Intention holes in clothes.Source

10. Do rich people seriously not think that we can notice?

11. Bosses who pay minimum wage, yet live a life of luxury, and then still complain about how low their profits are? If you can't afford to pay your employees you don't have an effective business!

11. Bosses who pay minimum wage, yet live a life of luxury, and then still complain about how low their profits are? If you can't afford to pay your employees you don't have an effective business!Source

12. Money can't buy happiness but it can pay my bills!

12. Money can't buy happiness but it can pay my bills!Source

13. Rich people hate the commoners.

13. Rich people hate the commoners.Source

14. This is a really specific assessment of people who live on ranches.

14. This is a really specific assessment of people who live on ranches.Source

15. Just say it!

16. Rich people who shop at thrift stores because it's "trendy" drive up the prices so poor people, some of whom's only option is thrift stores, can't afford them anymore.

16. Rich people who shop at thrift stores because it's Source

17. These people are not fooling anyone, especially not car salesmen!

17. These people are not fooling anyone, especially not car salesmen!Source

18. You can usually spot these type of rich people by their shoes, anyway.

18. You can usually spot these type of rich people by their shoes, anyway. Source

19. Dear rich peole: even if you try to hide it, we can all see it!


For more of these responses, and to add your own, head on over to the place for all things weird, whacky, and crowd-sourced: Reddit. Find the thread "What screams, "I'm rich but I pretend I'm poor"?" here.

There you can add all of the things that you think that rich people do pretend that they are poor, as well as check out the rest of the answers.

Poverty isn't a fashion statement it's a sad reality for lots of people. Cosplaying poverty is such a weird thing to do, honestly, I would rather a rich person go out on their yacht than pretend that they live in a dinghy with holes in it.

Maybe money doesn't buy happiness but I think it definitely buys a less stressful life. Being poor and worrying about how you’re going to pay for everything you need to survive sucks, so until rich people understand the reality of that, maybe they should quit being faux-poor.

Do you have an example of something that rich people do to make them seem less rich? Make sure you share the annoying thing in the comments below.
