“What Was The Most ‘Out Of Touch With Reality’ Thing A Rich Person Ever Said To You?” Gets 30 Surreal Replies That'll Leave You Astounded
Rich people are really living the life

They say money talks, bullsh*t walks. So do wealthy people themselves, although frequently, what they say can come across as rather unrealistic.
And it makes sense—when you're accustomed to one way of life, something else can be frightening or difficult to accept. For instance, someone cannot purchase a second vehicle simply because the AC is broken or the reasons why public transit exists now.
If you know a wealthy friend or relative, you might understand. They may moan about their butler forgetting to iron their crisp white shirt, complain about missing their horses while they were away at school, share exciting tales from their time spent "sailing," look into your eyes, and beg you to understand their problems as you silently remind yourself of the relative poverty that surrounds you and your family.
The paradox is that while they want you to understand them, they never make an effort to grasp how those who are less fortunate live and conduct themselves. The 'Ask Reddit' community members gave their two cents after user 'BananaBR13' posted a topic about odd things wealthy people say.
Redditors were eager to share what they had heard from some wealthy individuals, and we have compiled some of the more noteworthy discussions in this list today. See the stories that show how rich individuals interpret reality differently by scrolling down.
1. Gift closet
One time a client’s kid gave a coworker an iPad. Brand new, unopened box. My coworker was a little uncomfortable receiving such an expensive gift from a kid.
The kid just said “don’t worry, I just grabbed it out of the gift closet.”
We were confused, so we asked him what a gift closet is. Apparently, their family keeps a whole closet loaded with stuff like this - Apple Watches, cameras, iPads, etc so that whenever they need to give a gift, they always have something on hand.

2. Christmas
I have a friend and she is very wealthy. She was talking about finding a charity for Christmas. I mentioned that there were people going places and paying off Christmas lay a ways. I mentioned a town I grew up in as a possibility. I told them the per capita income is 9k. And she said, “9k a month!!!! How do those people live!!!” Then I had to tell her 9k a year. She was floored.
Edited to say: she is actually a very very sweet and caring person and donates millions a year to so many wonderful places and causes.

3. “Why don’t you just buy a house? It’s going to be cheaper than paying rent.”
Thanks. Just let me find the down payment that I don’t have yet.

4. How much?
A coworker of mine was talking with a parent once (summer camp in a rich town). The parent mentioned how she loved my coworkers dress, and wanted to know where she bought it, with the stipulation that it cost under $10,000… turns she had bought the dress on clearance for something like $10.
When she explained this, the parent just laughed like it was a joke, saying “no really, how much was it.” Never seen someone thaaat out of touch.

5. “My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.”

6. My boss asked me why I didn’t just buy a house in her neighborhood instead of renting an apartment. The houses there were $300-500,000 (very pricy for my area), and she was paying me $9/h….I had literally just applied for food stamps.

7. "Oh you get seasonal depression? Why don’t you just go to the Caribbean for a week and the Mediterranean the next? It always helps me.”

8. "A button fell off my jacket. My rich friend recommended where to buy a new jacket. When I took out the needle and thread, he was very confused."

9. Money doesn't buy happiness

10. The shock
Why have roommates at all? I don't think anyone I knew had roommates. Seems like too much trouble. Just spend the extra hundred on rent and live at peace.
-an 80 year old man.

11. Three nannies
New CEO started for a large company I used to work for, and six months in she announced changes to the office schedule. No more work from home days (this was years before Covid), and no more flex schedules: strict 8-5 for everyone. This negatively impacted parents like me who dropped their kids off at school on the way to work.
In a subsequent meeting where many of us expressed the difficulties with this new schedule, she at one point said, "look, I get it, change is hard. When our kids were little we had to have three nannies!"
I started looking for a new job right after that.

12. A business trip


13. Just a car
I do IT for the 1% in LA. This is my life all day. “My son crashed his Mercedes, so he and I will stop by the dealership to pick up a new one.”
“You sure he won’t crash that one too?”
“It’s just a car, we can always replace it.”

14. "Poor people are poor because they're lazy."

15. Paid on time
Back when I worked in payroll a doctor yelled at me because his administrator didn’t process his bi-monthly incentive on time so it missed his check. He was supposed to go pick up his new Mercedes with that money (it was 6 figures) so he threw a fit to have a check cut that day.
Two weeks later that same doctor did not approve a check to be cut for an hourly employee whose hours (2 weeks worth) didn’t get approved on time because it was only $1000 and they wouldn’t miss it. I had to go above him to get it approved because I knew that employee would definitely be negatively impacted by not being paid on time.

16. Kids from ultra rich families

17. “I don’t think I’m rich.” Said to me by an A-list actor who has made six figures per episode and owns at least 2 multi million dollar homes.

18. Our CEO mourned having to sell 4 of the company’s private jets in a town hall meeting because it was really personal to him and hurt. Meanwhile the personnel cuts were described as necessary in the same meeting.

19. I was complaining about mortgage payments, and she said "I know, I finally just took the money out of savings and paid mine off so I wouldn't have to worry about it every month."

20. “Why does public transport still exist?” This dude was legitimately convinced that there is no reason for public transport to still exist. He thinks that everyone is rich enough to afford cars

21. Rich kids
When I had to explain to my roommate that I couldn't go with him on an expensive multi-week vacation because I had to work and all of my money was going toward the rent/car payment/etc coming up. His dad paid for his rent, his car, his university tuition, his vacations, etc.

22. I complained about going an entire summer without ac, and she asked me why I didn't buy a new car.

23. I was at a table full of wealthy people in Boston where they all lamented about how difficult the upkeep on their second and third houses was. This is while I can barely rent 1 place.

24. I get you

25. "I think there's a book bound with human skin in here."
- billionaire showing me his sibling's extensive library. He was high and immediately retracted it when he realized he'd said that to someone he'd literally just met hours before.

26. “If you’re worried about flooding, why not just go to your second home until the storm passes?” I rent

27. Just work hard

It continues

A white person

28. Weirdest thing about college

29. Buying a house
My husband and I were in the process of buying our house abs I was discussing with a coworker that I was concerned that we didn't have enough for closing costs. My boss says "just ask your parents to help.
My in-laws gave us $50,000 when we got our first house and we've given each of our boys $25,000 to buy their first homes". I had to explain that my parents were poor and couldn't do that. She couldn't comprehend why my parents couldn't just give me thousands of dollars.

30. Not to me but near me "I would pay money to see The Hunger Games if it was real".

Rich individuals are used to casually throwing the craziest childhood memories in the middle of conversations. They have an egregious lack of awareness regarding how unlikeable and alienating they can be to their peers.
If you have a similar story to share, drop them below and share this post to entertain your loved ones as well.
