Rich People Who Dated Or Married Someone Significantly Poorer Than Them Answer What Shocked Them About Their Partner's Life Experiences
They didn't show this part in Cinderella
- Published in Interesting
The gap between the rich and the poor is more insurmountable than ever. The wealthy live a vastly different lifestyle than their less fortunate counterparts who are struggling to scrape by.
Millennials are even considered to be the most educated generation yet they are the poorest in comparison to their parents at that age. On the other hand, billionaires increased doubled their wealth in the past 2 years alone.
There's no question that poverty has a significant amount of impact on those who suffered from it. Studies have shown that children who grew up impoverished have a higher risk of developing chronic illness, mental health issues, and it causes a complex, lasting trauma that stays well into adulthood.
In the fairytale story of Cinderella when she married a prince and she turned from a servant into a princess overnight, no one shared how she adjusted to the wealthy lifestyle. They brushed past that part and went straight to happily ever after.
No one talks about how the Prince reacted to Cinderella's life story. The juxtaposition between their way of life must have at least come into play at one point in their marriage.
For example, how did Cinderella react to having servants when she used to be one? Was the Prince appalled on her behalf for how she was treated by her family?
Thanks to Reddit, we don't have to rely on a fictional story to figure this out. Rich redditors answered the question of what shocked them about their poorer spouse's way of life before they got together.
Here is the original question posted on AskReddit:
knakworst361. Earning enough money for that month to pay rent is an achievement
colombodk2. Buying all the grocery items you want because you can afford them
PonyPuffertons"Now I can afford whatever I want so I like to look at everything I could have."
PonyPuffertons3. A filling sandwich is a treat
unknown4. "Peanut butter spoons" is delicious no matter how much money you make
OneMoreAstronaut5. You have a panic attack whenever an appliance breaks or your car refuses to start because you can't afford to replace it
DigitalSheepDream6. Talking to customer service when your TV breaks and arguing about warranty
unknown7. That's a future-me problem
Fluxxed08. Food insecurity should not be a thing anymore but it sadly is
r-cubed9. Buying barely-used items at the flea market
PorkchopSquats10. The humble hamburger helper was a survival meal
throwaway_dkhlgmo11. Can't afford any type of insurance
captainslowww12. Pets mean a lot especially when you don't have much else
blueeyes_austin13. A warm and safe place to stay plus a free meal
aiyahhjoeychow14. Fancy restaurants are not novelty for the rich, going to fast food places is
genericlogin115. Credit cards shouldn't be used unless it's an emergency
frnoss frnoss16. "Family, hold back"
Cartoonlad17. Basic hygiene and cleanliness is not guaranteed
uselessartsdegree uselessartsdegree18. Live with your grandparents or live on the streets
Amazingawesomator Amazingawesomator19. When you start earning good money, the tendency to spoil other people because you can is difficult to resist
shawn77 shawn7720. Budgeting won't be taught because there's not enough money to budget or put towards the future
kyrira178921. Fresh fruit is lavish
TheDJFC22. The three paycheck months are a blessing
appleciders23. Unkempt home for some
unknown unknown24. The heat must have been brutal
cactusjackalope25. Food scarcity can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food consumption
scratchnsniffy26. You mean, you mow your own lawn?
IGotYouThisBox27. Med school student loans will take forever to pay off
intergrade28. A meal with several courses? Are we the royal family?
missyelliottontap29. You can do things by yourself?
ResurgentRS30. 'Boots' Theory of Socioeconomic Unfairness
keepthebearAs sad as those realizations are, it was good to read that formerly poor people are doing better now and it's not just because they married a rich person. They worked thrice as hard to live comfortably.
That doesn't erase the fact and the trauma they went through growing up poor. In an ideal world, these inequalities wouldn't exist but they exist in ours and until our systems are fixed, we can only keep working to earn a modest and comfortable life.