Struggling Lady Calls Out Her Sister For Always Claiming To Be Broke, Gets Her Upset

"We haven't been able to put anything in our savings for years"

Struggling Lady Calls Out Her Sister For Always Claiming To Be Broke, Gets Her Upset

Believe it or not, some people claim to have less money than they do. And just like OP's sister, they do this to avoid people asking them for loans or assistance.

They want to appear broke so that people will basically not approach them for money. However, these same "broken" individuals have enough money to satisfy their needs while having so much more stashed away in savings.

In fact, they are financially secure but don't want people to know. This can be useful for avoiding unpleasant situations or feelings of guilt, but it might cause misunderstandings and mistrust.

When others believe they are struggling so much, they might feel sorry for them or strive to assist them. The OP of today's story has a sister who has a habit of joking about being broke, but the OP's most recent encounter with her revealed an unexpected truth.

Despite possessing sizable savings, she continues to pretend she is struggling financially. OP cannot help but be frustrated, especially as her own financial difficulties are all too real.

The OP has told her sister that she shouldn't be calling herself broke because having almost 50K in savings at 20 is not broke. But is OP's sister simply attempting to dodge an embarrassing request for money, or is there more to the story?

Find out as you read the entire story below.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

She sent OP a message about how her and her husband have finally reached 10k in savings

She sent OP a message about how her and her husband have finally reached 10k in savingsReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

The OP has not been able to put anything in their savings for years

The OP has not been able to put anything in their savings for yearsReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

  1. saying that she shouldn't be calling herself broke to others
  2. maybe I just took it personal and should be happy for her achievements

And the comments roll in...

And the comments roll in...Reddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

I'm not interested in going out

I'm not interested in going outReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

Money is not something that comes up in conversations

Money is not something that comes up in conversationsReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

The girl who isn't holding

The girl who isn't holdingReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

The OP reveals more in the comments saying...

I'm the one who gave her tips to save and that's how she got to 10k in 6 months. They make double what we make and use her husband's parents car for free. Plus they go on trips every month or two somehow.

The difference between us is that me and my husband went/are going to college and have a kid and they both just got married a year ago and didn't go to college or have kids.

It's not that smart

It's not that smartReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

This seems like an easy quest

This seems like an easy questReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

It's normal for them to talk about personal things

It's normal for them to talk about personal thingsReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

It won't be a problem if she doesn't say anything

It won't be a problem if she doesn't say anythingReddit/ThrowRA_skidsteering

On the one hand, they are pleased with their sister's financial success, yet they cannot help but be angered by her continuous claim of being broke. OP acknowledges that their own financial difficulties may be clouding their judgment, but they can't shake the impression that their sister's statements are unkind.

Finally, the OP is left to ponder whether their sister's joke is simply a harmless habit or a symptom of a larger problem. In the end, she was declared not the AH.
