Man Has To Deal With His Pregnant Girlfriend Who Won't Talk To Him After He Returned Her Newly Adopted Cat To The Shelter
His girlfriend never discussed about adopting a cat with him.
- Published in Interesting
Cat adoption needs to be a decision by the entire family. If one of the family members isn't willing to be involved in any of the responsibilities that come with taking care of one, the other members need to shoulder them.
It wouldn't be fair to the adopted cat if it's not being properly cared for. Moreover, forcing the responsibility on an unwilling family member will only breed resentment toward the innocent animal.
Parents need to remember that cats need love, attention, everyday care, all of which involves feeding, playtime, and grooming. Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to a decline in the cat's physical health and emotional well-being.
If family members can't commit to these responsibilities, then it's better not to adopt a cat at all. In today's post, we'll look at a couple who fought over adopting a cat.
A man told the "Am I The A**hole?" (AITA) community that his girlfriend is three months pregnant. He is a remote worker while his girlfriend is jobless.
He was taken aback when he saw his girlfriend bringing home an adopted cat and a bunch of other cat stuff. Right off the bat, the man refused to accept this cat.
What's more, his girlfriend is forcing him to clean the litterbox. This did not sit well with the man.
So the next day, he returned the cat to the shelter.
A couple fought over an adopted cat, so the original poster (OP) is wondering if he's the a-hole for returning the cat to the shelter.
RedditThe OP mentioned that his girlfriend is pregnant with his child.
One day, his girlfriend suddenly returned home with a cat and cat items. He didn't want a cat and insisted that she take it back to the shelter.
After their fight, the OP ultimately decided to return the cat himself. And this angered his girlfriend.
RedditA lot of Redditors believe that both sides were in the wrong.
They're a couple. So it's important for the two to practice good communication. This is especially important now that they're having a kid.
RedditSome believe that OP was right to return the cat because owning one requires commitment.
RedditThese two really need to improve their communications skills if they want this relationship to work.
RedditThe OP compromised with his girlfriend, saying that they can get a cat in the future. But the girlfriend won't listen.
RedditA couple should only adopt a cat if both of them agree.
RedditEven the OP did not expect this from his girlfriend.
RedditThey're a couple so they need to find a way to meet halfway.
RedditAt least the OP's got his priorities straight, unlike the girlfriend.
RedditHowever, people a heavily criticizing the two for the lack of communication.
RedditAdopting a pet shouldn't be decided on a whim.
RedditWhile the OP's decision to not let the cat stay is the right move, he and his girlfriend really need to work on their communication skills. Important decisions such as owning a cat should be discussed between them.
It's unfair to the OP and the cat if the girlfriend ends up neglecting it. And by the looks of it, she's going to depend on the OP to take care of the cat.
And this is not a good sign.