Redditor Asks If He's A**hole For Not Giving Up His Pre-Booked Taxi For Disabled Person
"Why do people constantly have this entitlement?"

When Reddit user u/jack-of-all-scholars planned a seaside getaway for himself and his father, it was meant to be a much-needed break for them both. But things took a turn early on, and the Redditor shared his story in the r/AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit recently.
The OP explained that he works a full-time job while also attending university. He also cares for his father who is legally blind.
The OP had been feeling drained for quite a while, so when he was given a weekend off work recently, he decided to book a seaside getaway for himself and his father to enjoy. The pair traveled by train, but the OP realized that the walk from the train station to the hotel would be a bit far for his dad, so he decided to book a taxi.
When the OP and his father got off the train, the taxi was there waiting for them. But, as they were making their way to the cab, the OP heard someone say, "Oh, look, a taxi!"
It was a couple with their two sons. The man was in a wheelchair, and his wife had spotted the taxi and went straight for it.
The OP caught up to the family and said, "Excuse me, I booked a taxi ride, and given this is the only one around here, I believe this is me." The OP then checked with the driver who confirmed it was the ride he had booked.
At that point, the woman asked the OP why he couldn't just leave that taxi for them and get another one. The Redditor told her he had reserved this ride and already paid for it.
But the woman kept insisting, saying her husband was in a wheelchair so they should have priority. The OP explained that his father is also disabled, and even offered to call them another cab.
The woman told the OP he was rude, and that his father could still walk while her husband couldn't. The Redditor told his father to get in the taxi before sternly telling the lady she would have to call for her own ride.
Now the OP is wondering if he's the a**hole here. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.
The Redditor asked if he's an a**hole for not giving up a taxi for a disabled person and his family.

He explained that he works full time and attends university.

His father is legally blind, and the OP helps to care for him at home.

The OP says he's been feeling very drained for a while now.

OP decided to book a little getaway for him and his father to enjoy.

The Redditor realized that the walk from the train station to the hotel would be too far for his father.

So he decided to book a taxi for them instead.

But then, someone else spotted the taxi and went for it.

The OP explained to them that the taxi had been pre-booked.

The people argued and said the OP should leave the taxi for them.

The OP explained that they could order their own taxi and it would be there in just a few moments.

They told the OP he was rude and should have just let them have the cab.

The OP refused again and told his father to get in the taxi.

Now the OP is wondering if he did the right thing.

Here's how people reacted.

"Why do people constantly have this entitlement?"

I bet she pulls that stunt all the time!

"You and your father shouldn't have to suffer for their inability to plan ahead."


"You paid for it."

"They should plan better and not be so entitled."

What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think the OP should have let the family have the taxi, or was he right to stand up to the woman about this?
We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
