15 Transformational Photos Of Street Cats Before And After They Were Rescued And Adopted

We can all be a little nicer, kinder, and more understanding.

15 Transformational Photos Of Street Cats Before And After They Were Rescued And Adopted

Hello to all cat lovers around the world! If you're new here, this segment is all about proving that love has power and that love can put an end to the cruelty that animals face today.

Animal cruelty is something that we will never understand. We simply cannot comprehend how people can be so evil and cruel.

Fortunately, the world is made up of compassionate individuals who balance out the coldhearted. They are indeed the ones who adopt, shelter and provide assistance to needy animals.

We respect these individuals because we believe we can all learn from them. We can all be a little nicer, kinder, and more understanding.

We fully grasp that adopting a shelter cat is really not easy, but it does not have to be the end of the story. You can assist them by feeding them, providing expert help through a vet, and/or volunteering at shelters.

Getting or rescuing a cat from a shelter is a very responsible and kind thing to do. The pictures of these felines after adoption give us hope for their future, and we feel confident they will do so for you.

Admirable cat adoptive parents from all over the globe are posting pictures of their rescued family felines before and after they were rescued to emphasize the importance of a good home for rescue cats. Scroll down to see the difference in these cats’ lives after they were rescued and adopted.

1. "Calvin before and after adoption"

1. u/Silverstreamdacat

2. "Adoptable Wyatt before & after rescue. Story in captions. S FL"

2. u/gkpetrescue

3. Look at Wyatt now

3. Look at Wyatt nowu/gkpetrescue

4. "My little Noya before & after… I adopted her about 5 days from an animal shelter that was almost over capacity. She's been in a really shy adjustment period & I truly can't wait until she gets more comfortable ?? She's been skittish but I've been able to pet her a bit, along with some purring."

4. u/seperatego

5. Hello Noya!

5. Hello Noya!u/seperatego

6. "This is Bonnie. We found him alone stuck in a barn with no food or water. He was 7 weeks already!!"

6. u/brujasinpoderes

7. Look at Bonnie now

7. Look at Bonnie nowu/brujasinpoderes

8. "Brussel sprouts adoption photo vs. a year later in all his floof (peep the 6 toes!)"

8. u/bird_teeth

9. Looking all so adorable

9. Looking all so adorableu/bird_teeth

10. "This is erebus! My mom (911 dispatcher) called me during work to tell me a trooper found this smol baby underneath his car. i spent my lunch break picking him up, taking him home, and feeding him soft food. he's grown so much in the last 9 months!"

10. u/OmgItsBellaaa

11. The big Erebus

11. The big Erebusu/OmgItsBellaaa

12. "Always together"

12. u/kkhalor

13. "My Johnny cat gets more adorable everyday... is there an adorableness limit?"

13. u/ASchorr92

14. Another glimpse at Johnny

14. Another glimpse at Johnnyu/ASchorr92

15. "He was such an angry looking void when we adopted him"

15. u/SouthernAir123456

16. But take a look at him now

16. But take a look at him nowu/SouthernAir123456


17. u/MomOfKatz

18. Remarkable

18. Remarkableu/mandyindu

19. Look who just turned 6 years old

19. Look who just turned 6 years oldu/emilyactual

20. "We came across this little guy on Christmas Eve near my MIL's house almost 4 years ago.

20. u/MomOfKatz

21. "Marceline when she was first seized from a hoarder house, a pic the shelter took a couple months late when she was ready for adoption and we got to bring her home, and a few days ago!"

21. u/emilyactual

22. "RIP to the best cat I ever owned. This is Jumper and he passed away last March."

22. u/Silverstreamdacat

23. "Gotcha day June 14th // just yesterday! baby kahlua is literally perfect for us"

23. u/BoogieBoggart

24. "Reeves was found after he was attacked by a bobcat. I called the vet when I was on my way in. I didnt think he would make it to the vet. 2 vets told me to put him down but 1 was willing to try! After vet stays and physical therapy he recovered and was adopted!"

24. u/Hoperosaliex

Consider how stray animals react when the person they thought was their life abandons them at a shelter or on the side of the road. Nothing is more heartbreaking than neglect, and these cats are well aware of it.

These cats found solace in the homes of their new rescuers that they couldn't hide their emotions, ranging from angry expressions in overcrowded cells to wide-eyed smiles on comfortable mattresses.
