Rescue Cat Cannot Believe She Finally Has A Happy Home Just For Her

My heart breaks for all the cats who are not so lucky

Rescue Cat Cannot Believe She Finally Has A Happy Home Just For Her

You know how when something is going well for you, sometimes you are just waiting for it all to go horribly wrong? Like, when something nice happens, you can't really believe it and are just waiting for it to all fall apart?

It is a sad way to live life, but for some of us unlucky ones, it is a force of habit. It often happens what you are so used to things going wrong, or being taken away from you.

That is how this rescue cat seemed to feel. After struggling for so long, she finally got a safe and loving home--and couldn't believe her luck!

Deanna decided to adopt a cat, but due to COVID restrictions was unable to meet the cat in person first. But after a zoom call with her potential new kitty, she could not resist!

Jolie was found as a stray, and had bounced around through adoption centres and foster homes.

Deanna McCallum

When Deanna went to collect the cat, Jolie was already settled in her cat carrier, so she just took her straight home. Jolie was a little stressed, but mostly couldn't seem to believe her luck!

“She was extremely nervous when we got home! I opened her carrier and let her look around for a while."

“While it took her a few weeks to warm up, Jolie is the sweetest cat I have ever met. She’s never hissed, scratched or tried to bite me. She has never once even acted out."

"She’s just a sweet soul who needed a loving home, and I’m so blessed and thankful that I have her here with me.” 

Deanna McCallum

Now Jolie is all settled and in love with her new life!

She's so cute!

Now Jolie is all settled and in love with her new life!Deanna McCallum

If you can adopt and rescue a cat, you totally should!

Did your rescue cat take a while to settle in? Show us in the comments.
