Hilarious Moments Where Religious Fanatics Tagged Completely Normal Things As Satanic
What's the stupidest thing you've ever seen a religious person call "satanic"?
- Published in Funny
When you hear the word "satanism," what's the first thing that pops up in your mind? Is it the German Neue Deutsche Härte band Rammstein? Or a night gathering of people in black garments at the graveyard? Or you could be thinking of a witch using animals to concoct some sort of potion?
The Satanic Panic of the 1980s saw Christian extremists promote the belief that demonic societies were methodically preying on kids. In addition, they pushed the notion that these groups were not only abusing children in rituals but were responsible for mass murders in communities.
As beautiful as religion can be, extremists were constantly twisting the Church's beliefs and practices. They sought to make up a real-world villain behind the conspiracy so that the media could see it. Moreover, there are still traces of this era left behind.
We can see proof in a recent Reddit thread where one user, Dreammare56, posted an interesting question, "What's the stupidest thing [you've] ever seen a religious person refer to as satanic?'"
This list of ludicrous answers includes everything from a bottle of Coke to a microscope and more. Take a seat, relax, and let's try to digest these responses :
1. Seems yugioh can be used to open a secret portal where demons can crawl out from
MindlessPut76752. If you collect shiny rocks, then you're probably a devil worshipper
Regular_Sample_51973. "There is only ONE master of the universe and it’s god!!!"
Regular_Sample_51974. A microscope is a gift from the devil.... Beware!
ArbutusPhD5. Coca Cola has some explaining to do
GEDlesson6. We might have just found the snake that deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit
tobi3105007. Anything of beauty is satanic
gitarzan8. Dancing is satanic! Flee from dancers!
Ok_Scholar92599. Halloween is the devil's birthday
whateva_iGuess10. If you get a cartilage piercing, you may have just given your soul to the devil
Yogurt202211. Beware of magic cards. They belong to the devil
pixelfixation12. Are you by any chance left handed? Well, seems you're a witch
boogboi8913. Left handed people need to be protected at all costs
InsertBluescreenHere14. The carebears movie is not what you think. Look deeper!
BlumpKeto15. The teeth is devil's portal to your soul
RoniCorningstone16. Hot cheetos is a product of the devil
PM_meurbewbs_nbutts17. This is one story you'll have to sit down and digest
Tahitisummer20. Stay away from the word "weird"
daizersThe responses from this thread are sure to leave anyone cracking up. Some are so ridiculous that you start to wonder about the logic behind such statements.
Sadly, most of the users who shared their experiences were deprived of activities like playing video games, watching cartoons, and spending quality time with their favorite toys.
Got a similar story to share? We'll love to hear from you in the comments.