Uncomfortable Memes That Are So Relatable, You Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry
A generation where memes are more than just a form of relatable entertainment.

Have you ever seen a meme so relatable that you just say out loud in your head, "OMG that is so me!??" Or do you always tag a friend to let them know how you feel when you find a funny meme that relates to you both? If you answered no to any of these, then you may be getting left behind in the ever-evolving digital age and missing out on a whole lot of internet laughs.
These 21 memes are so relatable that it will make you laugh out loud (or in your mind) to a point where those distant memories make a comeback in alignment with these memes. Enjoy the giggles.
E-v-e-r-y single time

That cat though

Don't ask for reccomendations from me anymore pls


This is too true!

When you have those feels


Someone please help me find my brain


The addiction is real



Where can i buy this?



It all started with "so, you been busy tonight?"

When you don't know what to do with your drinks and.....

Razzie Tor