Relatable Memes About College That Will Remind You Just How Done You Are
You are broke, on the verge of dying, and confused as heck. You are a college student.

College life is something that a lot of high school kids dream of, and even glamourize. There are, however, a few catches to the world of a college student. You don't quite realize just how broke you really will be when you have to pay for all of that student debt. You don't quite realize just how important ramen noodles will become for your stomach.
You don't quite realize just how often you will require a napping session, or how you will definitely start to put your Netflix watching priorities on top of actual essays that are worth class credit.
What awful timing...

Bring your own body bag too, for precaution.

How to accurately begin points in your Thesis

Please don’t put that in perspective.

Show offs.

This is really what the film should have been called.

Never understood this logic.

Every bit is worth it.

Those damn cells.






