Seriously Relatable Cat Comics You're Definitely Going To Love

Life with cats is relatable as heck.

  • Published in Animals
Seriously Relatable Cat Comics You're Definitely Going To Love

Based out of Tallinn, Estonia, comic creators Dalia and her partner have been inspired to create their Catsu the Cat comics by their muse, a British Short-hair cat, named Dita, to delight the entire Internet with their humor and observations of life with a cat. Daria says:

Catsu started couple of years ago when I got obsessed with the idea of making small batches of designer items united with a theme of one certain character — little black cat with a bit crazy look.

The comics have become immensely popular and it's not hard to see why. They are hilarious and quite relatable to the cat-experience. We are paws-tively delighted to share their comics with you today! To learn more, check out their website,

#1 Water

An iconic story we can all relate to.

#1 Water





#4 Dedicated to Sunbathing.

Cats are die-hard.

#4 Dedicated to Sunbathing.







#8 Sleeping Gymnastics

I wish I could sleep as comfortably as a cat does.

#8 Sleeping Gymnastics







#12 When you love your cat, you'd never disturb their nap.

Even at your own expense.

#12 When you love your cat, you'd never disturb their nap.







#16 FACTS!

Cats are legitimately good for you!

#16 FACTS!







#20 Proof that cat moms are just like other moms.

You cannot argue with this logic.

#20 Proof that cat moms are just like other moms.







#24 Overly Obsessed Cat


#24 Overly Obsessed Cat







#28 The bed actually belongs to your cat...

Sorry to break it to ya.

#28 The bed actually belongs to your cat...







#32 Hide and Go Seek

Also fun with kitties.

#32 Hide and Go Seek







#36 Cats have a sixth sense.

And they can see with their mind's eye to swat you away.

#36 Cats have a sixth sense.







#40 Okay, let's be honest here, folks.

Sometimes cats are gross.

#40 Okay, let's be honest here, folks.







#44 The cronch.... it calls.

Now it is food time.

#44 The cronch.... it calls.







#48 Very helpful

What would we do without our cats holding us accountable to self-care?

#48 Very helpful







#52 The chaning seasons each have their purr-pose.

Summer is for fun, winter is for loafing.

#52 The chaning seasons each have their purr-pose.







#56 Sacrifice.

Nothing is too good for my kitties, wouldn't you agree?

#56 Sacrifice.







#60 I don't know how people make the magic of the cat selfie work...

But you have my respect.

#60 I don't know how people make the magic of the cat selfie work...







#64 Essential grooming.

You don't want this regret.

#64 Essential grooming.







#68 Proof that time changes are stupid.

Your cat opposes to them.

#68 Proof that time changes are stupid.







#72 The love we have for cats...

It really shouldn't surprise you how we spoil them.

#72 The love we have for cats...







#76 There are pro's and con's to those early morning mews.

Is your cat asking for breakfast or is your cat trying to look out for you? Purr-haps both.

#76 There are pro's and con's to those early morning mews.







#80 Flirty and Thirty

Kitty is getting old but never too old for love.

#80 Flirty and Thirty







#84 Working out?

Not with a cat around, pal!

#84 Working out?







#88 There is only 2 possibilities.

Either your cat didn't notice your absence or hasn't forgiven you for leaving.

#88 There is only 2 possibilities.







#92 We were hoping for cute.

But we got warfare.

#92 We were hoping for cute.







#96 The wildnerness calls me.

Even if it's not the real wilderness.

#96 The wildnerness calls me.







#100 Kitty Snores

They're actually super wonderful and we love them.

#100 Kitty Snores

