Moment Teen Felt Bad For Laughing At Her Old Bullies As They Made A Fool Of Themselves On The Bus
"They were all finding it as amusing as I was"

Bullying is a multifaceted problem that affects people of all ages. It can take many different forms and in certain situations, even laughing, which is normally regarded as a happy and healthy activity, can transform into covert or overt bullying behavior.
Simply described, bullying is when someone is the object of persistently hostile behavior intended to undermine or negatively impact them. Bullying can take two forms: verbal and physical.
Contrarily, laughter is typically associated with joy and happiness. However, there are times when laughing can be attributed to bullying.
One could classify making fun of someone as bullying. Laughing frequently follows ridiculing, which can make the other person feel much worse than they already did.
Another subtly abusive behavior that is sometimes seen is when someone is made fun of. The victim's mental health may be severely impacted by such derisive laughter, which can exacerbate emotions of embarrassment and shame.
We see a case of laughter in today's story, but this time it's in reverse order. The OP caught a late-night bus as she had stayed back late and studied in the library.
There wasn't anything unusual about the bus until the OP started to hear a familiar, annoyingly squeaky voice talking at the back of the bus. The OP looked behind him to see that it was a girl who had bullied him relentlessly throughout secondary school.
This bully was sitting with a guy who had bullied the OP during primary school. They were having a discussion that made the OP burst into laughter, and you can read all about it below.
The OP kicks off her story

Missy is disliked by the OP's friendship group

The OP made herself snort as she laughed

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:
I believe I might be the arsehole because I made Bill feel even more uncomfortable when I laughed at what was happening, and for laughing at Missy, as I suppose I was bullying them back in a way
Let's head into the comments and find out what other Redditors have to say

Every day is a school day

The OP has a right

That is hilarious

The OP had this to say in the comments
If it had been Bill and his friend harassing Missy, I definitely would have stepped in and helped her. I just didn't know how to help Bill without making it any more uncomfortable for him, and his friend was being as much help to him as a chocolate teapot.
This is the karma

Padding landlord's pocket

A kind of shame

Bullies making a fool of themselves

Someone who would say something like that out on a bus cannot expect everyone else to look away from the show. For the reasons the OP stated, she has every right to feel no sympathy for any of them, because even complete strangers would find it hard not to giggle at what the OP saw and heard on that bus.
Redditors made their decision, and the OP was declared as not the AH. Do share this story with your loved ones to get their own verdict as well.
