Man Refuses To Make Wedding Dress For Homophobic SIL Who Insulted His Craft, Asks If They're A-Hole

"She's offered to pay me for my work but that's not the issue, it feels like she likes my work but doesn't respect me, hell even disrespects me, for making dresses."

Man Refuses To Make Wedding Dress For Homophobic SIL Who Insulted His Craft, Asks If They're A-Hole

Crafting wedding dresses is an art that combines creativity, patience, and a lot of skill. Imagine dedicating your time and energy to create something beautiful, only to have your efforts belittled by someone close to you.

This is precisely the situation one man found himself in. He had always loved making things, from woodworking to fabric, and even made his wife's wedding dress when she couldn't find one that suited her style and budget.

His craftsmanship received many compliments, except from his sister-in-law, Sara, who made some harsh and homophobic remarks about him making dresses. Her cold attitude persisted for years, making family gatherings uncomfortable.

Fast forward to Sara's engagement, and suddenly, she wants him to make her wedding dress. Despite offering to pay, it feels like a slap in the face. How could she value his work but not respect him as a person?

He refused, explaining that her past comments hurt him deeply. This decision sparked a family feud, with relatives pressuring him to accept her offer, claiming he should forgive and forget.

However, his stance is about more than just making a dress—it's about respect and standing up for oneself. This situation highlights the importance of respect and boundaries, even within families.

Just take a look at this...

OP loves crafting and made a dress for his wife when she couldn't find the right one.

OP loves crafting and made a dress for his wife when she couldn't find the right one.Reddit

Though not an expert, he made a dress that turned out amazing, earning compliments on their wedding day.

Though not an expert, he made a dress that turned out amazing, earning compliments on their wedding day.Reddit

Most were surprised he made the dress, but his sister-in-law, Sara (25F), was upset and made homophobic remarks.

Most were surprised he made the dress, but his sister-in-law, Sara (25F), was upset and made homophobic remarks.Reddit

Since then, Sara has been cold and avoids direct conversation, but he rarely sees her as she lives in another state.

Since then, Sara has been cold and avoids direct conversation, but he rarely sees her as she lives in another state.Reddit

Sara's engaged and wants him to craft her wedding dress, but he's not feeling the love for this project.

Sara's engaged and wants him to craft her wedding dress, but he's not feeling the love for this project.Reddit

She's offered to pay him, but it feels like she appreciates his work while disrespecting him for making dresses.

She's offered to pay him, but it feels like she appreciates his work while disrespecting him for making dresses.Reddit

Sara is upset about past remarks. Is OP in the wrong for this?

Scroll down to see what people had to say!

Sara is upset about past remarks. Is OP in the wrong for this?Reddit

NTA. His self-respect trumps the dress. She had her chance. He should keep his talent valued.

NTA. His self-respect trumps the dress. She had her chance. He should keep his talent valued.Reddit

Triple the estimate; that's his "show me the money" deal. It's his way of saying, "For the right price, he's all in."

Triple the estimate; that's his Reddit

Factor in fabric, machine wear, and a living wage. Pay upfront, before he threads a needle.

Factor in fabric, machine wear, and a living wage. Pay upfront, before he threads a needle.Reddit

For 30k, even his worst enemy gets a dress with cursed stitches. He'd take the cash and jet off for an epic vacation!

For 30k, even his worst enemy gets a dress with cursed stitches. He'd take the cash and jet off for an epic vacation!Reddit

Feel free to make her a dress if she insists, but beware the drama woven into every stitch.

Feel free to make her a dress if she insists, but beware the drama woven into every stitch.Reddit

Pushback equals lack of respect. And that bill? Definitely going unpaid. NTA.

Pushback equals lack of respect. And that bill? Definitely going unpaid. NTA.Reddit

Insulting him to his wife? Talk about a rookie move! (She did spill the beans, after all.)

Insulting him to his wife? Talk about a rookie move! (She did spill the beans, after all.)Reddit

Treats him like dirt, then asks for a favor? Classic. Still waiting on that apology.

Treats him like dirt, then asks for a favor? Classic. Still waiting on that apology.Reddit

Apparently, she's still stocked up on disdain. Funny how she forgets her words, isn't it?

Apparently, she's still stocked up on disdain. Funny how she forgets her words, isn't it?Reddit

Does she ever admit her wrongs, or does she think they expire like old milk?

Does she ever admit her wrongs, or does she think they expire like old milk?Reddit

Tell her to buzz off, and Dad can sew her dress if he's so keen.

Tell her to buzz off, and Dad can sew her dress if he's so keen.Reddit

Cold treatment, hot manipulation—she's the walking drama.

Cold treatment, hot manipulation—she's the walking drama.Reddit

NTA. SiL wears her BS; others stitch her dress. His artistry? Reserved for the worthy.

NTA. SiL wears her BS; others stitch her dress. His artistry? Reserved for the worthy.Reddit

Stirred pot, seeking profit? Weak move. He's steering clear.

Stirred pot, seeking profit? Weak move. He's steering clear.Reddit

In the end, it's not just about stitching fabric; it's about threading respect through every interaction. He realized that a wedding dress might last a day, but dignity? That’s for a lifetime. Sometimes, the best creations come with the strongest boundaries. Guess who won't be wearing bespoke?

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