Biologist Loses Relationship After Refusing To Kill A Spider For Arachnophobic Girlfriend
"It's just a stupid spider!"

The fear of spiders, or arachnophobia, is one of the most common phobias worldwide. This fear often stems from the creature's appearance, the way it moves, or the perceived danger it poses.
Interestingly, most spiders are harmless to humans and play a crucial role in controlling insect populations. This fear is vividly illustrated in a Reddit story shared by OP, a biologist with a deep respect for life.
During a visit to his girlfriend's house, she spots a small house spider and panics, demanding its immediate extermination. OP's refusal to kill the spider, grounded in his principles and understanding of the spider's ecological role, leads to a significant conflict.
OP's stance reflects a scientific perspective, valuing the spider as a beneficial insect controller. He tries to find a middle ground by offering to capture and release the spider, a solution dismissed by his girlfriend.
Her intense fear, potentially a manifestation of arachnophobia, overrules rational discussion. The situation escalates, revealing a clash of values and highlighting the profound impact phobias can have on relationships.
OP's adherence to his beliefs, despite the pressure to conform to his girlfriend's demands, ultimately strains their relationship. Just take a look at the original Reddit post and see for yourself...
At his now-ex's house, OP saw her freak out over a harmless spider. Despite no threat, she demanded its immediate removal.

For context, OP is a biologist: kills pests for health, fishes and hunts for food, and euthanizes lab mice for research.

They avoid purposeless killing, sparing a helpful spider, and follow a superstition for their grandmother's memory.

Refusing to kill a spider, they offered to capture and release it, but their girlfriend demanded immediate action.

Understanding her bug phobia, OP's attempt to release a spider with a magazine triggered a meltdown over the fear of more bugs entering.

Refusing to compromise, he won't kill the spider despite it being her house, asserting his principles.

She killed a spider, and their relationship soured. She thinks he prioritizes the spider over safety, and he's questioning if he's wrong.
Scroll down to see what people had to say...

Spiders and relationships—handle both with care. YTA for web of trouble!

"You kind of sound like an ass."

Spider drama: Making mountains out of molehills—or in this case, webs.


Eh, they both might need some bug spray for their relationship drama.

Panic attacks: not the best time for a spider mediation session.

Soft NTA, but next time skip the Oscar-worthy spider speech. Dodging bug-phobia bullets like Spider-Man!

Phobias: immune to logic, but not to witty comebacks. Hope irony isn't a phobia too!

Timeline aside, this hero doesn't squish spiders. New dating profile: Spider's best friend!

Maybe a cooler stance next time?

Dodged a bullet and a spider! Proposed compromise got tangled in her web of demands.

Spider diplomacy got lost in translation. Small creature, big drama.

Juggling morals like a circus act. Testing animals, sparing spiders—it's a tightrope walk.

"It made me want to slap you."

In the tangled web of relationships, it seems spiders aren't the only ones skilled in weaving complex situations. For OP, choosing between a girlfriend's fear and a spider's life spun into a story where the smallest creature had the biggest impact, proving that sometimes, love is less sticky than spiderwebs!
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