Young Woman Put On Blast By Mother For Refusing To Work In Fast Food, Says She's Not Comfortable
"I don't think I should be forced to work in an environment I am not comfortable in."
- Published in Interesting
Imagine being fresh out of high school, diploma in hand, and the whole world telling you it's time to dive into the job market. That's the reality for this 18-year-old who's just trying to navigate life after caps and gowns. They've had a couple of stints in fast food during their high school days, but let's just say it wasn't their cup of tea.
Between struggling with hair that just won't cooperate for food safety and feeling like there's a double standard when it comes to guys and gals in the workplace, it's understandable why they're not jumping at the chance to don the fast-food uniform again.
But here's the kicker – their mom is on their case, big time. She's all about "Get a job, any job," while our friend here is more "Let's find something that doesn't make me miserable."
It's a classic case of being caught between a rock and a hard place. On one side, you've got the pressure to just grab any job that comes your way, and on the other, there's the desire to wait for something that feels right.
So, here's the million-dollar question: Are they being unreasonable for wanting a job that's a bit more... well, them? Or is it okay to hold out for something that doesn't make you dread waking up in the morning?
Just take a look at this...
OP recently graduated from high school; and she previously had short stints at two fast food jobs. Mom now wants her to find full-time work but she has some reservations...
RedditHer hair length causes work issues; feels sexism as males with similar hair aren't pressured.
RedditOP also hates drive-thru work due to strict timing and poor earpieces.
RedditOP also didn't enjoy the food work environment—amid other reasons.
RedditBut her mom dismisses reasons, and accuses her of laziness. But OP does desire to work, faces tough retail job market, and applies twice weekly for interviews.
RedditMom sees joblessness as laziness, insists on working in food. Refusal leads to name-calling: stubborn and useless.
RedditOP believes her reasons are valid and rejects being forced into an uncomfortable work environment. Is she in the wrong?
Scroll down to see what people had to say!
RedditHumor us, OP! What do you bring to the table?
RedditAh, the classic 'Grow Up and Settle' advice.
RedditComments are like arrows hitting the mark. Time for them to take the plunge into the experience pool.
RedditFrom frying pans to life plans: Food service sparked their ambition for something greater.
RedditOld mentalities may be defunct, but job inception still rules. Ride the paycheck wave now, and surf the dream job later.
RedditNTA, but more jobs than a fast food menu? Variety's the spice of employment!
RedditLife serves up its share of unsavory dishes. Seems they're being urged to take a bite while cooking up their dreams.
RedditNTA, but remember: even flipping burgers beats flipping zero bucks an hour!
Reddit"=Seems the adulting memo's arrived: hairnets or hair growth, it's their call. Time to clock in, darling!
Reddit"=Sounds like the Inquisition of Financial Independence! But worry not, the budgeting wizard has it all under control.
RedditNewly 18 and already juggling life's hurdles! It's like adulting on hard mode.
RedditAh, the fast-food truth serum! No escaping the greasy grind. Brace for the retail rollercoaster ahead!
RedditAh, the 'Mom's Bill Express'! Enjoy the free ride before it hits the last stop.
RedditTime to dismount the high horse and saddle up for the job hunt journey.
RedditIn the grand theater of job hunting, OP isn't seeking a starring role in a tragedy. They're auditioning for a part that suits them, not just any gig that'll have them.
After all, life's too short to spend it in a job that feels like wearing a shoe that's two sizes too small!
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