30 People Expresses Their Regrets As They Reveal The Dark Side Of Getting A Divorce
Well, things do not always go how people expect them to be.
- Published in Interesting
Marriage as a lifelong commitment has grown tremendously, emphasizing individual fulfillment and happiness. No one can predict all the changes and circumstances that will impact marriage; therefore, singles having planned weddings should make the best choices they can at the outset in preparing for a successful marriage.
Married couples who want to avoid divorce in the future should strengthen and build on what they have. Everybody has heard that a successful marriage requires the cooperation of both parties.
One individual can only make it happen if the other person is prepared to contribute and grow. However, for a marriage to continue, both spouses must be committed.
Further studies provided varied perspectives on this topic, but it is clear that there is a convergence in why people describe their marriage as failing. A lack of commitment might appear hazy and difficult to show (or disprove) and you might want to consider other things, too.
Though one partner typically blames the other for not trying harder to save the marriage, a different study indicated that couples were most likely to agree owing to a lack of commitment. Outward symptoms to other grounds for divorce, such as extramarital affairs, a refusal to discuss the relationship, and a failure to cooperate toward shared financial goals.
1. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Reddit/ martinhth | Ben White2. If I were her, I'd be a very happy wife.
Reddit/ broccolichefdad | Thirdman3. Unreasonably stuck between holding on and letting go.
Reddit/ barnabyjones00 | Krists Luhaers4. "I don't play childish games, move on."
Reddit/ ViperThreat | Natasha Hall5. When sparks fade, that's when true love starts.
Reddit/ unrliable_narrator | RODNAE Productions6. Having unstable mental health results in a thoughtless decision.
Reddit/ anon | Claudia Wolff7. The only worth saving is yourself and your kids.
Reddit/ whoa_do_that_again8. "You can love someone and still be better apart."
Reddit/ msmthrowaway101 | Milan Popovic9. You wish you marry someone else.
Reddit/ heartbroken1997 | Fa Barboza10. Five-day cruise ships and with her lame excuses.
Reddit/ wbg34 | Timur Weber11. Wishing both of you the best, OP.
Reddit/ anon | Alice Donovan Rouse12. Do everything to win her back before it's too late.
Reddit/ Travb1999 | Alex Green13. That's what true love can do.
Reddit/ JamesDePression911 | Nik Shuliahin 💛💙14. "No matter the troubles there were in my first marriage, losing them was not worth the pain and suffering the divorce caused my daughter."
Reddit/ autumn_skies | Pixabay15. Don't risk yourself to win someone else.
Reddit/ anon16. I deserve this sh*t.
Reddit/ CatsyKat | Priscilla Du Preez17. "People should give each other room to grow, we all change over time."
Reddit/ lil_ginge | Sofia Alejandra18. Missing only my kids.
Reddit/ yinkle88 | Juliane Liebermann19. Don't let your past make you doubt your decision for your family.
Reddit/TallBlonde3120. "You are lovable, and you matter."
Reddit/ KMillionaire | RODNAE Productions21. Give yourself some space and time to figure out everything.
Reddit/ maniakmekanik | Priscilla Du Preez22. “If you love them, let them go."
Reddit/ Tricky-Marionberry9323. If it's meant for you, it will be.
Reddit/ butterytabasco24. The only one left, and it's for the best.
Reddit/ cinnamonstyx25. Don't doubt how you feel; no woman wanted to be a second option.
Reddit/ wtf7778 | Marina Abrosimova26. "Divorce gets in the way of kidnapping!"
Reddit/ low_selfie_steam27. You both need some help.
Reddit/ Suit-Solid28. Now you have the better understanding about everything.
Reddit/ anon | Karolina Grabowska29. It's already done and it's for the best.
Reddit/ ThrowRAawaaayy30. Very well said.
Reddit/ JayPlenty24That's why so many people see a lack of commitment as a primary reason for divorce; they see it as the underlying source of many other, more obvious problems. Individual stories will be diverse and intricate, but the fundamental themes will remain: broken hearts and deal-breakers.
So to all married people out there, woman and man. Don't doubt how you feel; no person deserves to be a second option.