Reddit Exposes 23 Of The World's Most Evil Corporations And Get Ready To Question Your Morals Before Buying Your Groceries
Who needs fictional evil companies and villains when they're so much worse in real life?
- Published in Interesting
Remember that episode from "The Good Place," where (spoilers!) the characters figure out that there aren't enough people getting into heaven because it's impossible to make ethical choices anymore? Yeah, we're literally in that kind of scenario.
People are not able to make moral choices because almost every product you buy is not ethically-sourced despite their claims. Note that we said almost because not every business in existence is inherently evil but you can probably count the "good" companies with your fingers and toes because they're that hard to find.
Making this list was like cutting off the head of a hydra; cut one head and three evil companies spring in its place. It's depressing to read the atrocities committed by these companies.
We argue that it's important to discuss these matters no matter how difficult they are to face. They also bring awareness to the questionable practices used by these companies.
Knowing how they operate will also, hopefully, make us more aware of the choices we make and the brands that we support. This is the reality that we live in and more than ever, it's paramount that we face the ugly truth head-on.
It's a little difficult to avoid buying the products of these companies because they have a monopoly on the market. We've barely scratched the surface and it's icky.
These discussion was started by one curious Redditor with one simple yet loaded question:
outdropp1. Seriously, screw insurance companies. The commenter's story about a client she fought for should be read by everyone.
kifferella2. DuPont make movie bad guys look tame in comparison...
Skeledenn, RedIceBreaker, hapnstat... and because they're so awful, it warranted another comment. C8 chemical wreaks havoc in the human body.
MrBojanglez3. Your credit score directly affects your life and this is for everyone, reading the comment is a good jump off point but also do your own research.
senrnariz4. Fast fashion is so popular but it's literally toxic
Lord-AG, drum_playing_twig5. Biffa and other recycling companies
Dynasty22016. Chiquita Bananas and their love for destabilizing governments
joujamis, AlliedAtheistAllianc, Alive-Contact91477. The banana company above merged with the United Fruit Company (currently, Chiquita Brands Internation) to form a murderous empire
ballsofstyle8. Killer baby powder anyone?
planecompanyshort9119. Friends do not let friends join MLM's (pyramid schemes)
lawyeronreddit10. They say just do it
MeanwhileOnReddit11. A legal drug cartel?
EvitaPuppy, GloriousDawn12. They're a Swedish energy company
Gawd413. The lawyer's name is Steven Donzinger and he has been under house arrest since 2019
rac3r514. There have been stories circulating online of companies buying up houses for way above market price to drive up real estate value, making owning a home even more impossible
blueteeblue, dmccrostie15. An entire Reddit sub dedicated to hating on and exposing this company
JAJ5545, Krillin113, corey_the_bird16. How do these people sleep at night?
Alarmed_Mechanic_40317. A cult in church clothing
Foundation_james18. Show me the money!
PickForMe, BloomingPooOnion19. These big oil companies are just...
dupini9720. They supply meat for big food corporations like McDonald's. Research about the 4 ABCD food corporations.
DieselATXX21. They are responsible for the modern-day spread of propaganda
LilDudeOnBoard22. The comment refers to the OG evil corp: Dutch East India Company
nalayak_devil23. The magician behind the curtain:
murgurdurthThe information mentioned is available publicly and is based on cited sources. You can and should read further by going to the original Reddit discussion.
The world is slowly getting ruined and it's not because you didn't use a paper straw. The burden and blame shouldn't be placed on an individual's shoulders but on the collective decision of corporations to put their bottom line ahead of the common good.
It's difficult to see past the anger caused by the injustice. It's a weird dichotomy to be forced to exist in a capitalistic society while morally being repulsed by every aspect of it.
If you feel paralyzed by the magnitude of these facts and atrocities, take a few deep breaths but keep informing yourself about these situations. It's important to know what's happening around the world.
It may not be directly affecting you but it's happening to another human being out there. Take breaks in between but keep advocating.