50 People Share Certain Words Or Phrases That Raise Red Flags In Relationships

"Allow me to interject for a moment..."

50 People Share Certain Words Or Phrases That Raise Red Flags In Relationships

In our everyday lives, we all have those little things that get under our skin. For some, it's the infuriating sound of someone chewing their food loudly with their mouth wide open.

Others find themselves irked by the mere sight of someone arriving even a few minutes late for a date. Yet, there's another aspect of human interaction that often goes unnoticed – the words we choose to use.

Words have the power to shape our relationships and determine whether they flourish or flounder. Beyond our actions, the language we employ can be a deciding factor in forging and maintaining connections with others.

It's fascinating to consider how certain words and phrases can act as instant turn-offs, making us question our desire to befriend someone. For instance, commencing a sentence with "I'm not racist, but..." can signal an impending problematic statement, while downplaying the significance of politics or literature may suggest disinterest in critical aspects of life.

Reddit recently hosted a discussion where users were asked to share the words and phrases that immediately set off alarm bells when meeting new people. The responses that poured in provided valuable insights into the social dynamics.

This Reddit discussion underscores a fundamental truth: words matter.

1. "Anything that involves "god's will"

1. disgruntled_joe

2. “I’m not racist but…”

2. “I’m not racist but…”Princess_Piggie

3. "Describes himself as an Alpha Male. Tells you implausible stories about how tough he is/how many women he's "Banged". Yeah, me an you gonna fall out soon buddy '

3. Johhnymaddog316

4. "Anyone who is rude to waitstaff. Been on a few dates where potential partners treated the waiter/waitress like garbage. Instant dislike and termination of the date."

4. Tyrigoth

5. They will be...

5. They will be...Accurate_Prompt_2271


6. MAGARoyal_Visit3419

7. “People don’t like me because I tell it like it is”

7. “People don’t like me because I tell it like it is”MassiveProductions

Just stop

Just stopJournalistNo4414

8. "We're a family here" in a work setting. Mother f****r you just laid off "cousin" Bill. "

8. recoil669

9. “Do your own research.”

9. “Do your own research.”Rockpaws1

10. "Men are logical/analytical, and women are emotional."

10. Hilarity2War

11. 'thoughts and prayers"

11. 'thoughts and prayershuiscloslaqueue

12. "Ugh I hate cats"

12. deliriousgoomba

13. “No offense, but…”, just before saying the most offensive thing you’ve heard in your life.

13. “No offense, but…”, just before saying the most offensive thing you’ve heard in your life.lisathethrowaway

14. "God's plan"

14. JadeChroma

15. "I am an influencer"

15. chaOak

16. "You should smile more 🙄 "

16. Antisocial_potato98

17. True

17. TrueTaraDactyl1978

18. No, you don't

18. No, you don'tjasvicdem

19. "“I’m so bipolar” to explain why they are indecisive or to play off poor life choices. Or just to say to sound quirky. Really hate that. I’m bipolar and rarely tell anyone."

19. PerplexedPoppy

20. “I only have guy friends”

"Women who say “I only have guy friends” which is usually followed by something like “women always bring drama / women are usually bitches / women can’t handle how real I am / women are always jealous of me.”

ETA: Yeah, it’s great having guy friends, but the problem is women who view other women as the enemy."

20. “I only have guy friends”I_Crush_Your_Head

21. "Why isn't there a white history month"

21. Which_Possession_953

22. "If a person humiliates others for the sake of boosting his own ego, I immediately stop communicating with that person. "

22. AnastasiaFrid

23. "Sheeple"

23. Palm_Tiger

24. Oh

24. Ohdisgracecars

25. “I’m brutally honest”

25. “I’m brutally honest”-not-pennys-boat-

26. "A man who uses “Females” to refer to women."

26. Ambitious-Name-719

27. Bible as historical fact

27. Bible as historical factCanucklehead_Esq

28. Ok

28. OkRandom-Human-1138

29. Who are you?

29. Who are you?Brave_Dick

30. Agreed

30. AgreedSycou

31. “Alpha” “Sigma” “Beta”

31. “Alpha” “Sigma” “Beta”doctordoctorpuss

32. Awwwwww

32. Awwwwwwskellaheptical

33. "Yes but you know there's worst"

33. Least-Designer7976

34. "My ex was a narcissist".

"I didn't hear this nearly as often until the last year or so. Now suddenly everyone has had an ex that was a narcissist. I work in the behavioral health field and this one drives me crazy.

Like no, just because you both wanted different things in life doesn't make him selfish enough to be labeled with an actual *personality disorder,* ***oh my god.*** Just say you weren't compatible and move on with your life.

No offense to those who actually did genuinely date a narcissist."

34. NightDreamer73

35. Yes

35. YesWearyPigeon

36. "Ma'am this a Wendy's."

36. medievalistbooknerd

37. ""oh im compelled to do this totally normal activity because my OCD/adhd/bipolar is kicking in!""

37. lambofgun

38. “Well if Trump was still in office…”

38. “Well if Trump was still in office…”churchbellsring

39. "Got my shirt for x amount, my shoes for y amount type of people. You paid way more than normal people for stuff that's not something to brag about. Also do you really have no innate worth that you have to toss around price tags to attract people's attention. "

39. bemydaddy36

40. People who lie/brag about their IQ.

40. People who lie/brag about their IQ.CountessBassy

41. "I'm a -insert star sign- so that's why I'm (being a c**t)"

41. Katerina1996

42. “This cup is filled with liberal tears.”

42. “This cup is filled with liberal tears.”GreenKnightOfGilead

43. Too harsh

43. Too harshHopefulEqual88

44. “My truth”

44. “My truth”McCafe_McGee

45. "as an empath --"

45. paramidia

46. "I hate drama." I have never heard someone say this, unsolicited, and not been exhausted with their shenanigans within a day.

46. Spodson

47. "Alphabet soup personality test"

47. DoTheMagicHandThing

48. "Why didn't they just take the eagles to Mordor?"

48. Calligaster

49. "Unbeknownst'

49. sinistrelle

50. "Tough love"

50. Free-Government5162

So, the next time you find yourself in the company of someone new, remember that it's not just about avoiding certain actions but also about selecting your words carefully. By doing so, you can increase the likelihood of building genuine and enduring friendships while steering clear of linguistic pitfalls that might otherwise sabotage your social endeavors.
