People Have Shared The Red Flags That They Look Out For When Dating
Always trust your gut!
- Published in Funny
When you start to date someone, sometimes you overlook little details in favour of trying to build a relationship. This is a dangerous game.
When you have the rose coloured glasses on, after being struck my cupid's arrow, sometimes the red flags look a little pink. But, guess what, once the initial love has worn off, the red flags will still be there--and worse, it'll be impossible to put them down.
Once you've been dating people, you start to pick up on the small things that can lead to bigger problems later on. So, let other people's warnings help you make healthier choices, and look out for the following red flags!
1. Pretty much
astro782. !!!
mitzy2473. Make sure they respect little boundaries, too.
GleaningSage4. They just put you down to make themselves feel better and to try and control you.
LusraGray5. Exactly: make sure you're paying attention when someone shows you who they are.
LisaNNwachukwu6. Too much drama is never good
LisaNNwachukwu7. Pronouncing people's names correctly is a basic form of respect
j_derekb8. RUN don't walk away from self-professed "nice guys"
Razafirme9. What are your biggest red flags? Share them in the comments below!
10. Vom
AlisaValdesRod111. Basically worshiping any entrepreneur.
rosiebuttoncups12. These people SUCK
but_im_kim_tran13. THIS STUFF IS SO CREEPY
JessBot500014. Even their non-offensive jokes will never be funny
elizabethjoy_xo15. Easy way to tell if they have respect for other people or not!
arion_exclusive16. Beware of someone who talks super negatively about their ex's.
This is especially true of men who call their ex's crazy