People Of The Internet Share What The Biggest 'Red Flags' Are In Relationships

A huge part of modern dating is identifying and decoding 'red flags' as soon as they begin to show themselves

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People Of The Internet Share What The Biggest 'Red Flags' Are In Relationships

A huge part of modern dating is identifying and decoding 'red flags' as soon as they begin to show themselves and before you dedicate 6+ months of your life to the person holding them. A 'red flag' in the dating world can refer to warning sign or just something that indicated that a person isn't right for you.

A 'red flag' or turn-off that is ignored can lead to weeks, months or years of pain. It's difficult though, and the desperation of human beings to settle down and find 'their person' can often lead to 'red flag' being totally ignored.

Especially with the rise of online dating, it's often harder to identify 'red flags' in a timely manner, because by the time you finally meet up with a prospective partner in person, you may have been communicating for a few months. You may therefore, have already formed that annoying attachment that makes you like someone even though they are very obviously WRONG for you.

Recently, a Redditor asked people to share their instant turn-offs when it comes to dating and relationships and what signs people look for when it comes to an unsuitable match. The best answers are below.



"Always wanting you to be there for them but not returning the favor."

– Straciabuttfluff


Inability to apologise

"Refusal to admit they have done anything wrong. Never apologizing."

– OhBlaDii


No respect for feelings

"Putting the other person down when they’re interested in/excited about something."

– rithult


Gaslighting and pettiness

"Not sure what it’s called, but intentionally causing a fight because they enjoy the making up period."

– BorderlineGiant-


Hero/Victim complex

"A big red flag in either a romantic relationship or just a friendship for me, is when the person you’re talking to is always either the hero or the victim in every story they tell.

Usually a pretty good indicator or how they view themselves / interact with the world, and it usually means they’re going to be “my way or the highway” or “everyone else is to blame for everything”

Both are insufferable qualities."

– InsolentFoolBoy


Separating you away from your friends/family

"My ex always told me to not meet up with some of friends anymore. That’s always a red flag. I didn’t stop meeting my friends but I stopped meeting her pretty soon."

– Baapu_


Low-self esteem/oversensitivity

"Low self-esteem to the point you have to dance around their feelings constantly out of fear they’ll blow up over the most miniscule things."

– TheVillageLooney



"When you realise there would be no plans, unless you are the one to initiate them."

– babymoat


No sense of humor.

"Not having the same sense of humor. How horrible to be laughing and the other person doesn’t think somethings funny.

From like a core humor standpoint. Hard to explain but I’ve been in this situation during a date and it’s soooo awkward to realize you don’t find the same things funny."

– sambamthankyamaam

Lacking drive

"Having no ambition."

– oneluckytrooper
