30 People Who Quit Their Toxic And Miserable Jobs Share Their Reasons Why They've Proudly Never Looked Back

Quitting might be a hard decision to make but these people are sharing their reasons why quitting their jobs was worth it.

30 People Who Quit Their Toxic And Miserable Jobs Share Their Reasons Why They've Proudly Never Looked Back

Quitting is for losers. Ever heard that or something like that before? Well, we have although not always said in the same words or said and shown in the same way. 

From school all the way to home, it was ingrained in a lot of us that quitting won’t get us anywhere or that it will cause us to miss opportunities that might make our lives better. So come adulthood, the real world, and jobs, we were perfectly trained to take in the punches, ignore anything faulty at work, and push through even if something’s not working out. 

That’s how you get promoted a lot faster, they said. That’s how you build a great career, they said. Well, we say that’s also the notion that allows employers to abuse and mistreat their employees. 

Thankfully, people now are quickly starting to shed off and trash this kind of mentality. Today, a lot more people are realizing that it is just not worth it to be torturing yourself over a job that you hate and that is causing you to lose your sanity.

On Twitter, Helana Darwin, Ph. D. asked people to share their stories of how they quit their jobs to help her come to terms with her own work dilemma. The replies certainly didn't disappoint and by their reasons, we can confidently say that quitting isn't for losers.

The tweet that sparked the discussion:

The tweet that sparked the discussion:HelanaDarwin

Go ahead and keep pushing away more employees why don't you?

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The results don't lie

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That was a quick jump from a nice 'I need you'

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Bad judge of their employee's capabilities

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Whoever allows these kinds of work environments to fester should really get a taste of their own medicine

Whoever allows these kinds of work environments to fester should really get a taste of their own medicineTrudeauPhd

Protect your sanity at all costs

Protect your sanity at all costsKaliButterfly

They should be confused at their own incompetence

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Quitting toxic jobs can literally save your life

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Bad clients and toxic workspace is the recipe for disaster

Bad clients and toxic workspace is the recipe for disasterMcTabby

Don't hang on to what's not there anymore

Don't hang on to what's not there anymoreSTOGAM

This boss deserves to step on Legos for the rest of her life

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Don't trash talk other people when you don't even know the basics of trashtalking

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Love yourself and not the misery of the job

Love yourself and not the misery of the jobTheDudeWhoBakes

These are the elements of the perfect formula for employee abuse

These are the elements of the perfect formula for employee abuseccourtneymcc

Whoever is in that head office must not have any brains

Whoever is in that head office must not have any brainsSherryElls

Quitting can change people for the better

Quitting can change people for the betterIaraLacher

Finding yourself again just means you've made the perfect decision

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People like this shouldn't even be considered for leadership positions

People like this shouldn't even be considered for leadership positionslslurpmytea

What in the world is this boss and job?

What in the world is this boss and job?Mommaof2

It would feel so good to see this bully booted off the job

It would feel so good to see this bully booted off the jobjosocialwork

Joke's on them

Joke's on themmckeelearning

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Your job should be helping you have a better life

Your job should be helping you have a better lifeTheLeftorium

When it doesn't work, it just doesn't

When it doesn't work, it just doesn'tAntonHur

There's no job in the world worth trading your peace and sanity for

There's no job in the world worth trading your peace and sanity foreyreal13

It’s scary to quit a job, especially with nothing lined up. You momentarily lose that sense of financial stability, you get that existential crisis of what’s next, and you might even feel like you’re being a burden to society. 

If that’s what it takes to gain back your sense of self and your sanity though, then do it! Quit that job. Say adios. Never look back and give yourself a pat for doing a good job for yourself. 
