30 People Share Amazing 'Butterfly Effect' Moments That Prove Every Decision We Make Matters
Whether we realize it or not, every decision we make has an effect on things and people around us and these butterfly effect moments just prove it.
- Published in Interesting
From the moment we wake up to the moment we close our eyes to sleep, we make thousands of decisions. Sometimes, even in our dreams, we make choices.
Our life is basically made up of them. And from the moment we could think for ourselves, we've been building our lives with these choices we make every day.
Some of them are big life-changing decisions that we have to think about for days. Others are just things we do on the daily like choosing what to eat for lunch or what to wear.
No matter what it is though, our choices have effects. While some may be inconsequential, others may create a butterfly effect.
At its core, the butterfly effect describes a mysterious phenomenon of interconnection between people or something small and the larger world. It's like when a small, seemingly insignificant action or decision leads to a significant and unexpected outcome.
People have been studying it for years and while no one might still be able to explain it entirely, it never ceases to capture and amaze us all. It simply blows our mind how it could all be connected.
On Reddit, someone asked, “What small action did you take that you later realized had a 'butterfly effect' that turned into something much more important?" and pretty amazing responses came flooding in. Scroll down and keep reading about them below:
1. This is the kind of goodness we all want to see in the world
dartdoug2. Love stories like this are priceless
trees_are_beautiful3. She found a friend for life
LilaJax224. Little moments can save lives
Unique-Public-85945. It might have been the world's parting gift for them
randomhistoryteacher6. When Reddit gives you a whole life
look_ma_nohands7. Thank you so much sick girl
AndrewJayJordan8. An amazing accident
eearcfrqymkji9. When a joke entirely changes your life
aflowerandaqueen10. Avoided one war because of giving up a seat
remarkable5311. Sometimes, the effect of Taco Bell can save lives
hroinechicish12. This person probably changed that woman's life
Caran5313. Memes save lives!
Aercturius14. This sounds like an adorable YA love story
maruffin15. It's amazing how he tracked down all those events
fletchindubai fletchindubai fletchindubai16. Fandoms bringing people meant for each other together
ZoeDurrant160117. That job and life just wasn't meant for her
TieDyeUnderpants TieDyeUnderpants18. It's a good thing he asked
Few_Dance210619. It's a lucky hat!
thejoosep1220. He'd probably be best friends and married with someone else
Actuaryba21. All because of one kind favor
zerbey zerbey22. A connection of love stories
Dainflynnty Dainflynnty23. One lesson was meant for another purpose
Polygraph-Eyes724. Giving chances to others has positive outcomes
Daylar1725. Things just happen the way they're supposed to
swaneyswan swaneyswan swaneyswan26. Lesson learned: Never ignore the call of nature
Negative_Memory_465327. We need more of this story please
TheJackasaur1128. These swapped seats people are really lucky, aren't they?
foxbluesocks29. Though it was going to be a love story but it's something better
NowWithMoreChocolate NowWithMoreChocolate NowWithMoreChocolateThat's pretty cute
SnooMuffins6689It's really amazing how these things happen, isn't it? We don't care whether there's an explanation for it or not but we're glad it's there.
It kind of reminds us that there are bigger things than us. It's not just us in this world and everything we do has an effect.
We just hope whatever we do does affect the world for the better.