Meme-able And Confusing Airport Moments That Were Randomly Spotted In The Wild

Some people get way too comfortable at airport.

  • Published in Funny
Meme-able And Confusing Airport Moments That Were Randomly Spotted In The Wild

Airports are famous for unpredictable and weird moments that always come out of nowhere and either shock you deeply or completely confuse you. You never expect to see people behaving the way they do, and it never fails to surprise and amuse you.

It gets even worse when flights are delayed or when someone doesn't get their way and decides to blow things out of proportion. The smallest details can prevent you from taking your flight, and people never take that news in a positive manner.

Observing the people around you while at an airport could entertain you for hours and keep you from ever getting bored. You just have to be in the right place at the right time and watch it unfold before you.

You will often see people napping while waiting for their flights, and it is always entertaining to see how some people can fall asleep under the weirdest circumstances. When some people decide they want to sleep, nothing can ever stop them from doing so.

The list below contains some of the most random and hilarious airport moments that people managed to randomly capture while traveling. Scroll down and check them out!

1. If you're bored at the airport, you can at least learn a new skill that might save someone's life someday.

1. If you're bored at the airport, you can at least learn a new skill that might save someone's life someday.tarrelling/Instagram

2. That baby will go on the ride of its life.

2. That baby will go on the ride of its life.Reddit

3. Someone had a bumpy massage.

3. Someone had a bumpy massage.Reddit

4. Say your goodbye fast and leave.

4. Say your goodbye fast and leave.alexlundbaek/Instagram

5. I don't remember this scene from Forest Gump.

5. I don't remember this scene from Forest Gump.Reddit

6. Making the best out of a bad situation.

6. Making the best out of a bad situation.Reddit

7. One of the advantages of being slim. You can fit anywhere!

7. One of the advantages of being slim. You can fit anywhere!Reddit

8. You don't have to pay for the VIP lounge to take a nice nap before your flight.

8. You don't have to pay for the VIP lounge to take a nice nap before your flight.Reddit

9. Take one last photo while you still can!

9. Take one last photo while you still can!mariaeger/Instagram

10. “Just scan my whole body, fam... I don't want to take anything off”

10. “Just scan my whole body, fam... I don't want to take anything off”nikolinamn/Instagram

11. Priority seating for people who need it the most.

11. Priority seating for people who need it the most.bobby_wan_kenobi/Instagram

12. This makes it much easier for you to be spotted in the middle of that crowd.

12. This makes it much easier for you to be spotted in the middle of that crowd.Reddit

13. It's all about the timing!

13. It's all about the timing!Reddit

14. The TSA doesn't even trust nuns.

14. The TSA doesn't even trust nuns.Reddit

15. Save your money by doing this instead of buying an expensive stroller.

15. Save your money by doing this instead of buying an expensive stroller.Reddit

16. Airports will do that to you. I can totally relate.

16. Airports will do that to you. I can totally relate.Reddit

17. This woman brought a whole typewriter to the airport.

17. This woman brought a whole typewriter to the airport.Reddit

18. Her flight must have been exhausting!

18. Her flight must have been exhausting!Reddit

19. Those hands look quite realistic. Airport security will definitely get confused at first sight.

19. Those hands look quite realistic. Airport security will definitely get confused at first sight.Reddit

20. I hope he is not trying to travel with that.

20. I hope he is not trying to travel with that.thaliakelly/Instagram

21. This man will completely destroy that metal detector.

21. This man will completely destroy that metal detector.Reddit

The experience at airports is not always the best, but at least you can always entertain yourself just by looking around and watching the people around you. Airports tend to bring out the worst and best in people, so you never know what you're going to get. If you enjoyed this list, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
