50 Pictures Of The Best Tweets Where People Talk About The Hassles Of Parenting And They’re Quite Funny

Kids!!! If you don’t have one, or if you’ve never taken care of one before, then you wouldn’t understand

  • Published in Funny
50 Pictures Of The Best Tweets Where People Talk About The Hassles Of Parenting And They’re Quite Funny

Kids! Kids! Kids!!! If you don’t have one, or if you’ve never taken care of one before, then you wouldn’t understand. Parenting is one heck of a lifetime duty, and you can never stop being a parent until the inevitable happens.

Kids can be so sweet at times, but still, they can be a handful as well. Talk about when your kid gives you a weird compliment like "you look nice in that dress, like a Saturday raisin" or when they have no intention of giving you grandkids with the excuse that they don’t need kids but room for all their pets.

Now imagine you’re ironing and your kid asks you why, and you say you don’t like wrinkles. And boom... your kid asks you "what about the wrinkles on your face?"

There is no end to how witty children can get, but as parents, we just have to deal with it. So it's time for some parenting tweets, and we’ve gathered the most hilarious things mothers and fathers have said on Twitter in order to try and capture the essence of the extraordinary and significant difficulties embedded in bringing up a child.

So give your little ones something to divert their attention and check out 50 of these parenting tweets.

1. And here you are playing with who again?

1. And here you are playing with who again?daddygofish

2. You're in for it

2. You're in for itSnarkyMommy78

3. Yeah, do everything by sleeping

3. Yeah, do everything by sleepingsarcasticmommy4

4. Meaning you were way stubborn...

4. Meaning you were way stubborn...KatieDeal99

5. Just close your mouth and keep it that way till morning

5. Just close your mouth and keep it that way till morningSnarkyMommy78

6. That's one way to put it

6. That's one way to put itWordesse

7. It is what it is

7. It is what it isXplodingUnicorn

8. You'll be fine

8. You'll be finethreetimedaddy

9. Hold up kid!

9. Hold up kid!XplodingUnicorn

10. You definitely should

10. You definitely shouldRateMySalad

11. And we're going to feast on it

11. And we're going to feast on itElyKreimendahl

12. She handled it so well

12. She handled it so wellXplodingUnicorn

13. A good way to "off" them

13. A good way to reallifemommy3

14. You got to be mature

14. You got to be matureMumInBits

15. There you go

15. There you goHenpeckedHal

16. I do have a favorite child

16. I do have a favorite childIDontSpeakWhine

17. Oh really now...

17. Oh really now...themultiplemom

18. You must hear them out at anytime

18. You must hear them out at anytimeSmooheed

19. You should

19. You shouldXplodingUnicorn

20. Parenting is hard but rewarding

20. Parenting is hard but rewardingElyKreimendahl

21. It's the renaming of the homemade meals for me

21. It's the renaming of the homemade meals for memommajessiec

22. This is for you, mommy!

22. This is for you, mommy!SweetPea1636

23. My sister is an animal

23. My sister is an animalXplodingUnicorn

24. And boom...

24. And boom...HenpeckedHal

25. Parenting! Parenting!! Parenting!!!

25. Parenting! Parenting!! Parenting!!!HomeWithPeanut

26. I spot what I want to spot

26. I spot what I want to spotSix_Pack_Mom

27. Tiny angry police captains from crime shows

27. Tiny angry police captains from crime showsDad_At_Law

28. Lol... Okay

28. Lol... Okayjakery

29. Oh my...

29. Oh my...XplodingUnicorn

30. You should have given options

30. You should have given optionsXplodingUnicorn

31. Are we really not saying the same thing?

31. Are we really not saying the same thing?bekindofwitty

32. She's just a kid

32. She's just a kidCrockettForReal

33. Lol... What!

33. Lol... What!XplodingUnicorn

34. Parenting achievement unlocked

34. Parenting achievement unlockedUpsideDad

35. You better don't

35. You better don'tdadmann_walking

36. Want to try?

36. Want to try?sweetmomissa

37. Marriage is easy

37. Marriage is easysarcasticmommy4

38. Empowerment

38. EmpowermentTheCatWhisprer

39. Her explanation is just so darn cute and believable but still cunning

39. Her explanation is just so darn cute and believable but still cunningDad_At_Law

40. Keep walking

40. Keep walkingramblinma

41. You can't sleep until everyone sleeps

41. You can't sleep until everyone sleepsHomeWithPeanut

42. Different people, different thinking

42. Different people, different thinkingchelsea_davison

43. I am loving that

43. I am loving thatbessbell

44. Lol... Oh no!

44. Lol... Oh no!themultiplemom

45. Yay!

45. Yay!WendyMolyneux

46. Go right now and stop the disaster

46. Go right now and stop the disasterMichaelVogel1

47. Who has some old school rap?

47. Who has some old school rap?Dad_At_Law

48. Get 'em

48. Get 'emmorninggloria

49. I'm so gonna enjoy this

49. I'm so gonna enjoy thisElyKreimendahl

50. And the cycle continues

50. And the cycle continuesdaddygofish

With all these parenting hassles that you’ve read about above, it’s important that you enjoy your marriage before having kids because when they arrive, it’s all going to be about them. Do you have kids or have you had a memorable encounter with one?

Share your experience with us by dropping it in the comments section below.
