20+ Wake-up Calls From Employees Who Will Help You Realize When You Need To Quit Your Job
How many of these signs would be enough to make you quit?

Having a job that you love is a dream come true since everyone wants to be working on something that they are interested in and they feel connected to. However, not everybody is lucky enough to be given such an opportunity to be employed in a job they truly want.
The corporate world is a very competitive environment. Students would strive hard in order to graduate from the best universities, be employed in a good-paying job, buy things and properties, and everything that comes along with the job that has been their goal for years of studying.
However, when you are hired, it is not just the pay that you should consider. You must also think about the employers' reputation if they value their people enough for them to be productive at work.
These days, having a good boss is more than having a good salary, benefits, and other perks. People who are treated badly will likely quit their jobs even if they have the highest salary.
This is because their work environment is affecting their well-being. Would you rather stay at work without having enough rest, anxiety, stress, and maltreatment for the sake of your salary?
Learn from these people who quit their jobs. You might have the same experience as them that will make you realize your worth and find a better employer who will treat you well.
1. Everything seems to be dragging you.

2. They are leaving for a reason. That's for sure.

3. Time off does not feel like one.

4. The stress is haunting you daily.

5. Guilt tripping you when you take some time offs.

6. You might want to try and ask yourself why are you still staying when everyone else is leaving?

7. They might not know time management and the difference between family time and working hours.

8. You're not even informed that they are already hiring.

9. The work piles up, but not your pay.

10. The anxiety is real.

11. They will keep doing it.

12. This is a serious sign that you need to quit.

13. Your bosses don't support you, because they feel threatened by you.

14. You might get confused of who should be the boss.

15. They say this line to you so you would stop asking for things that you deserve.

16. What are you even working for?

17. If you are indeed family, they should pay you enough for the work that you do, not take you for granted.

18. They think PTO is not applicable for family.

19. Hopefully both of you spend that years freely, not just working.

20. There is no room for growth.

21. Should have taken the warning seriously.

22. If that is just for five hours, would you even survive for a day?

You might think that your job provides for your needs and wants. However, you should also keep in mind that you can't suffer for too long when you can find better opportunities with people who will value your well-being and treat you like a real family.
Do you have similar experiences with a bad employer? Like and share this story with your family and friends!
