Cat Did Not Like Toys Until He Got This Totally Cool Jeep To Sit Inside

Now that's what I call living his best life.

Cat Did Not Like Toys Until He Got This Totally Cool Jeep To Sit Inside

Purrsonally, I love when cats have very proper, human-sounding names. Why? Well, obviously the cats have to be peculiar to have such a human name.

We expect a cat named Porkchop or Peanut, but not a Dave or Susan. So, when I began to read about Frank, I knew this cat would be interesting and that we would all love his story.

I was correct, Frank is a very interesting kitty. He's also a totally adorable kitty!

When Frank was adopted by Ben Vroomans he was a quiet, keep-to-himself sort of cat. Frank didn't fancy cuddles, pets, or even toys for that matter.

Anyone experienced in pet rescue, dogs and cats alike, will tell you though that once you get to know your adopted pet you usually get a chance to see the life-loving side of their personality and the cat named Frank was no exception.

Allow me to pro-purr-ly introduce you to Frank the cat.

Allow me to pro-purr-ly introduce you to Frank the cat. Ben Vroomans

Once Ben and Frank got to know each other better, Frank's shining purrsonality emerged.

In fact, according to Vroomans, Frank is one of the best.

Once Ben and Frank got to know each other better, Frank's shining purrsonality emerged.Ben Vroomans

The pair began to bond in the most adorable of ways.

In an interview with The Dodo, Ben said:

“Over the last couple of years we learnt to know each other, and he's now got the biggest personality.
Still can't pick the bloke up, but he's otherwise super affectionate now. Follows me everywhere. He's my noisy little shadow, and a bit of a celebrity amongst my social group.” 

Naturally, of course, that's not all there is to Frank's purrsonality.

Vroomans explained:

"He's not a 'toy' cat. He acts like he's beyond childish things like that."

Nevertheless, Vroomans was determined to find the right way to help Frank play and when his little couch took a turn for the worst, Ben thought perhaps this cardboard jeep would do the trick?

Naturally, of course, that's not all there is to Frank's purrsonality. Ben Vroomans

Howevever, when Frank's family presented him with their offering, the jeep, they were delighted to see that Frank instantly fell in love!

Howevever, when Frank's family presented him with their offering, the jeep, they were delighted to see that Frank instantly fell in love!Ben Vroomans

“He loves the crap out of this thing,” Vroomans said. “Can't get him out of it.”

“He loves the crap out of this thing,” Vroomans said. “Can't get him out of it.”Ben Vroomans

The simple, $8 "not-toy" toy has brought Frank endless joy.

Ben says that Frank spends nearly all of his time in it and that is a gift worth giving.

Some cats may need a wide variety of stimulating toys, and that's a lot of fun! But Frank? Frank just needs the right toy.

The simple, $8 Ben Vroomans