Here Are 31 Interesting Pictures Of Queen Elizabeth II Which You’ve Probably Never Seen Before

Take a look back at the fascinating life of Queen Elizabeth II who died at the age of 96

Here Are 31 Interesting Pictures Of Queen Elizabeth II Which You’ve Probably Never Seen Before

It can be challenging to imagine Queen Elizabeth II as a youthful woman given that she was the ruler of the United Kingdom and died in her 90s. In addition, you probably have a variety of images of Queen Elizabeth in your mind's eye due to the large number of actresses who have played the role.

The early life of Queen Elizabeth II, who was stunning in her youth, was rocked by her uncle Edward VIII's abdication. As the new heir to the throne, she was thrust into the public eye at a young age.

In some of her early photographs, Queen Elizabeth II is seen with her future husband, Prince Philip, while in others, she is shown with her mother, sister, and father. The latter photographs, which include images of Queen Elizabeth II as a child, as well as those of the young monarch with her expanding family, provide a rare sight of household joy.

They all show a lady who, whether or not she realized it at the time, is today one of history’s most well-known names. So let’s look into Queen Elizabeth II's remarkable life, which ended with her passing at the age of 96.

Yup, it’s time to search the royal archives for some of the most exceptional and uncommon images of the Queen that you’ve probably never seen. 

1. Princess Elizabeth II in a stroller at 6 months old

1. Princess Elizabeth II in a stroller at 6 months oldMirrorpix / Mirrorpix via Getty Images

2. Walking alongside her nannies and a stroller holding her sister, Princess Margaret

2. Walking alongside her nannies and a stroller holding her sister, Princess MargaretAFP via Getty Images

3. Standing in front of her "playhouse," which was gifted to her by the people of Wales

3. Standing in front of her Central Press / Getty Images

4. Riding her tricycle

4. Riding her tricycleKeystone / Getty Images

5. Posing with her dogs at her home in Piccadilly, London

5. Posing with her dogs at her home in Piccadilly, LondonLisa Sheridan / Getty Images

6. And giving one of them a hug

6. And giving one of them a hugLisa Sheridan / Getty Images

7. Standing beside her swimming team at the Bath Club

7. Standing beside her swimming team at the Bath ClubUllstein Bild Dtl via Getty Images

8. Riding her pony in Windsor Great Park

8. Riding her pony in Windsor Great ParkUniversal Image Group / Getty Images

9. Smiling with her horse on her 13th birthday

9. Smiling with her horse on her 13th birthdayTopical Press Agency / Getty Images

10. Changing a car tire in the Auxiliary Territorial Service

10. Changing a car tire in the Auxiliary Territorial ServiceMirrorpix / Mirrorpix via Getty Images

11. Girl Guide camp at Frogmore, Windsor

11. Girl Guide camp at Frogmore, WindsorUniversal Images Group via Getty Images

12. Dressed up as Prince Salvador in the Christmas production of Sleeping Beauty at Windsor Castle

12. Dressed up as Prince Salvador in the Christmas production of Sleeping Beauty at Windsor CastleLisa Sheridan / Getty Images

13. Playing tag on the deck of the HMS Vanguard

13. Playing tag on the deck of the HMS VanguardBettmann / Bettmann Archive

14. Square dancing with the Duke of Edinburgh at a cowboy-themed party in Canada

14. Square dancing with the Duke of Edinburgh at a cowboy-themed party in CanadaMirrorpix / Mirrorpix via Getty Images

15. Using a video camera aboard the SS Gothic during the coronation world tour

15. Using a video camera aboard the SS Gothic during the coronation world tourHulton Archive / Getty Images

16. On her way to a garden party in Sydney, Australia

16. On her way to a garden party in Sydney, AustraliaKeystone / Getty Images

17. Talking to actor Jayne Mansfield in the reception line at the Odeon Theatre in London

17. Talking to actor Jayne Mansfield in the reception line at the Odeon Theatre in LondonBettmann / Bettmann Archive

18. Playing with Prince Charles at a country home in Surrey

18. Playing with Prince Charles at a country home in SurreyPa Images / PA Images via Getty Images

19. Getting in a boat with Princess Anne

19. Getting in a boat with Princess AnneCentral Press / Getty Images

20. Taking a drive with Prince Charles and Princess Anne

20. Taking a drive with Prince Charles and Princess AnneHulton Deutsch / Getty Contributor

21. Eating with her hands while sharing a meal with King Hassan during a visit to Morocco

21. Eating with her hands while sharing a meal with King Hassan during a visit to MoroccoBettmann / Bettmann Archive

22. Touring Australia in 1970

22. Touring Australia in 1970Keystone / Getty Images

23. Smiling on her 50th birthday

23. Smiling on her 50th birthdayFox Photos / Getty Images

24. Posing with Prince Charles at Windsor Castle

24. Posing with Prince Charles at Windsor CastleFox Photos / Getty Images

25. Cutting a cake with a sword

25. Cutting a cake with a swordWpa Pool / Getty Images

26. Shaking hands with Victoria Beckham after a Spice Girls performance

26. Shaking hands with Victoria Beckham after a Spice Girls performancePool / Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

27. Giving one of her dogs, Candy, a boop on the nose

27. Giving one of her dogs, Candy, a boop on the noseWpa Pool / Getty Images

28. Admiring a replica of Buckingham Palace made from Legos

28. Admiring a replica of Buckingham Palace made from LegosHulton Deutsch / Corbis via Getty Images

29. Sitting beside Anna Wintour as they view Richard Quinn's runway show

29. Sitting beside Anna Wintour as they view Richard Quinn's runway showWpa Pool / Getty Images

30. Attending a video conference event at Buckingham Palace

30. Attending a video conference event at Buckingham PalaceVictoria Jones / POOL/AFP via Getty Images

31. And lastly, driving in her Range Rover to the Windsor Horse Show last year

31. And lastly, driving in her Range Rover to the Windsor Horse Show last yearWpa Pool / Getty Images

These are rare and never-before-seen family photos that reveal a side of the Queen we hardly ever see. The late queen ruled for more than 70 years, took care of many pets and horses, and participated on a swim team when she was a teenager.

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