Move Over I Rate Dogs, It's Finally Time To Rate Cats

We all know how important it is to rate cats on their aesthetic quality. Very important.

  • Published in Animals
Move Over I Rate Dogs, It's Finally Time To Rate Cats

The premise is simple. Twitter account The Cat Reviewer turns to you, the cat loving people of the world, to do something incredible: review cats. Their bio states it simple and short: "Welcome to The Cat Reviewer. Fussed a cat on the street that isn't yours? Please send in a review!"

Does it sound too good to be true? It's not. It's purrfect. You see a cat? You like the cat? Take a picture and send in a review. To get you started and comfortable with the iconic concept, here are some of the best cat reviews so far. (Hint: they're amazing, full disclosure.)

1. I hope her kittens are okay.

1. I hope her kittens are okay.GMTminus7

2. Honest Catto

2. Honest CattoMonkeyPicks

3. I, too, would risk health for the happiness of belly rubs

3. I, too, would risk health for the happiness of belly rubs KoolAidJimbo

4. I love him.

4. I love him.uisgebeatha

5. Raccoon? Cat? Yes.

5. Raccoon? Cat? Yes.burfy72

6. Soggy Delight

6. Soggy Delight VickiComms

7. How rude.

7. How rude.hellohistoria

8. Floof levels: majestic

8. Floof levels: majestic EdwardLMeek

9. I bet those purrs are ameowzing.

9. I bet those purrs are ameowzing.alanitpanda

10. The Campsite Inspector with Floofy Ears

10. The Campsite Inspector with Floofy Earsnessieridesaga1

11. Beautiful Blossom

11. Beautiful Blossombexgibbons

12. High key jealous ASF

12. High key jealous ASF RiaLolwut

13. So chill.

13. So chill.Rowena_Murray

14. I'd like to see her again.

14. I'd like to see her again.StephanieFlooks

15. Trouble, I wish it was double.

15. Trouble, I wish it was double.tomsbfc

16. Very helpful

16. Very helpfulallwrongthink

17. What a face!

17. What a face!BenWhite5

18. It's her right.

18. It's her right. KirstyBarker

19. Impawsible not to gush over

19. Impawsible not to gush over marmotte_loutre

20. Boss-Eyed, I love it.

20. Boss-Eyed, I love it.silly_old_sod

21. Who doesn't love hairy trousers?

21. Who doesn't love hairy trousers?louisa_

22. Strokes > Food

22. Strokes > Foodhcnewhouse

23. Doing a mighty hide n seek

23. Doing a mighty hide n seektrequartbeasta

24. Twice the Nice: Catception

24. Twice the Nice: CatceptionDoomGolly

25. Lovely markings, cozy cuddles

25. Lovely markings, cozy cuddles ct_witter

26. He is doing his best.

26. He is doing his best.FoxBoyDraws

27. The Pub Goer

27. The Pub Goergoteamliz

28. R I S K Y frisky

28. R I S K Y friskySouthTerracer

29. A lovely lady

29. A lovely ladyfunktious

30. Kinda rude, still worthy.

30. Kinda rude, still worthy. TheGin_Genie