Abandoned Puppy Rescued by Real Life "Mother Goose" And Its Life Was Changed Forever
The goose used her downy feathers to share her body heat with the pup.

As humans, we can certainly learn a lot from animals when it comes to showing love and compassion to those in need.
This heartwarming story is the perfect example of such compassion.
One day, a passerby came across a newborn puppy, which appeared to have been abandoned in the cold. The puppy's mother was nowhere to be found and the temperatures were so freezing there was no way the puppy could survive outside on his own.
Thankfully, a sweet goose was also passing by and stepped in to save the day.
The goose noticed the pup was shivering in the cold and went straight to the baby's side.
The goose used her downy feathers to share her body heat with the pup, stretching her big wings around him to shield him from the cold.

Wrapped safely in her wings, the little pup fell asleep.

At first, the passerby was concerned that the goose was attacking the puppy. But after looking closely, it seemed clear that she was simply trying to cuddle and protect him. She was even seen stroking the pup with her beak.
How beautiful it is that such a loving bond can be formed in nature at a time of need.
I'm not crying, you are!
