How This "Really Nice Guy" Handled Being Dumped By His Girlfriend Of Only Two Months Is Creepy And Cringe-Worthy
The secret is, they're not actually nice, they just really think they are.
- Published in Funny
By now, we are no strangers to the "nice guys." The secret is, they're not actually nice, they just really think they are. Someone once said that bringing nothing to the table except "nice" isn't that great to begin with, but the real kicker is that virtually every single self-proclaimed "nice guy," is actually an enormous jerk. Sometimes, even worse, he's a psychopath waiting to erupt.
For one young woman, she found out just how much of a nice guy her boyfriend could be when she broke things off after only two months. Thank goodness she didn't wait much longer, he's a "breaking news" story waiting to happen.
"I (19F) Broke Up With My Boyfriend (25M) Of 2 Months Only To Find Out He Was A “Nice Guy.” Bullet Dodged. The last bit of our text conversation and a post he made on Instagram a couple days later"
niceguysThe time spent bouncing between extremes is miniscule.
niceguysYou beautiful pig.
niceguysYou can.
niceguysWhen she responds, things only escalate.
niceguys"Oh, so now you respond?"
niceguysA swift block should do the trick?
niceguysExcept it never does the trick for "nice guys."
niceguysHe's a really nice guy, y'all.
niceguysAfter throwing a seemingly never-ending tantrum in her text messages, he then turned to Instagram to play the victim.