Redditor Demands The Promised Babysitting Fee, Gets Called Selfish

"I want the amount of money she promised me when she begged me to help her out."

Redditor Demands The Promised Babysitting Fee, Gets Called Selfish

In families where people love and help each other, it can be surprising that even small things like doing favors can sometimes cause problems. These problems can happen because of misunderstandings or when people expect different things.

This story shows how things that seem simple, like helping out or asking for help, can unexpectedly make family relationships a bit complicated.

So, there's a girl, OP (17 years old), spending time with her bigger family. Her cousin West (19 years old) lives close by and dates a girl named Elena (20 years old). Elena has a job babysitting for a family called the Joneses. But, something urgent comes up, and Elena needs to ask OP for a favor - to babysit for her.

OP says yes after knowing the details, including the money Elena gets paid. Babysitting goes well, with the kids staying busy. The kids' parents are happy and promise to pay Elena for her regular babysitting.

Later, Elena gives OP less money than they agreed on. Elena says it's because she talks to the kids in French, and that's why she usually gets paid more. OP doesn't think this is fair and insists on the original amount.

In the end, West steps in and gives OP the extra money with a joke, calling her "TA" for making Elena pay. This story reminds us that even in families, dealing with money and expectations can sometimes get a little tricky.

OP is visiting her grandparents and extended family for a month

OP is visiting her grandparents and extended family for a monthReddit

OP has agreed to provide babysitting services, as help to one family member due to a family emergency

OP has agreed to provide babysitting services,  as help to one family member due to a family emergencyReddit

OP received a smaller amount of money than what was initially promised, and she emphasized the request for the originally agreed-upon sum. Eventually, the OP did receive the initially promised amount from their cousin, but the cousin criticized the OP

OP received a smaller amount of money than what was initially promised, and she emphasized the request for the originally agreed-upon sum. Eventually, the OP did receive the initially promised amount from their cousin, but the cousin criticized the OPReddit

No French is required for the job initially.

No French is required for the job initially.Reddit

If the rate was altered, prior notice was essential.

If the rate was altered, prior notice was essential.Reddit

The cousin should honor the original price due to OP's help during her desperation.

The cousin should honor the original price due to OP's help during her desperation.Reddit

OP has to contact the parents to discuss payment and service satisfaction

OP has to contact the parents to discuss payment and service satisfactionReddit

The reason for paying less isn't valid—just because OP doesn't speak French

The reason for paying less isn't valid—just because OP doesn't speak FrenchReddit

It's commendable that OP advocated for herself.

It's commendable that OP advocated for herself.Reddit

If there were additional conditions, OP's cousin should have informed OP beforehand

If there were additional conditions, OP's cousin should have informed OP beforehandReddit

OP's cousin should have been upfront, especially since OP was kind enough to assist her.

OP's cousin should have been upfront, especially since OP was kind enough to assist her.Reddit


OP should have verified the payment information with the people she is employed by

OP should have verified the payment information with the people she is employed byReddit

OP's decision to stand up for herself was right. This experience could serve as a valuable lesson for her moving forward. It highlights the importance of clear communication and direct negotiation, especially when it comes to job-related matters.

Relying on intermediaries can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, as seen in this case. Negotiating directly with employers ensures that both parties are on the same page right from the start.

It empowers individuals to articulate their expectations clearly and demand fair treatment for their efforts. This incident can be a stepping stone in OP's journey of asserting her worth and advocating for herself, not just in family matters but also in her professional endeavors.
