30 Of The Funniest Interactions Between Students And Professors While Exchanging Emails

Ah, the highlight of University life.

  • Published in Funny
30 Of The Funniest Interactions Between Students And Professors While Exchanging Emails

Contrary to popular belief, life in University is not really just about studying your whole day away or doing research during the wee hours of the night, but it is also about making a lot of connections and friends, being a part of a rich and developing community, and the cliche living your life to the fullest. While it is a given thing that students interact with their fellow classmates, they also have to interact with their professors on an almost daily basis, particularly, through emails.

However, this point-and-click type of communication can sometimes be full of accidental insults and ambiguous jokes that are so hilarious they are worth posting on the Internet to let everyone have a good laugh. Communicating with professors is just an unavoidable task that every single student has to go through, even if it is just for once in their university life.

In most cases, students email their professor to ask for some things to be clarified, or to ask for help when it comes to solving a problem. Some students get more stressed and all riled up when they think of having to email their professors because there is this constant worry of accidentally making a mistake while doing so, which could possibly leave a dent on their professor's impression of them, or worse, it would reflect on their grades.

While most of these email exchanges are pretty boring and are just about course-related matters, some of them take wild funny turns wherein students are caught off guard with the way their professors are interacting back. Just take a look at some of the best ones below!

#1 This professor is a mess and we all love it

#1 This professor is a mess and we all love itdecentbirthday

#2 Drunk emails, the professor was such a great guy for replying like this, though!

#2 Drunk emails, the professor was such a great guy for replying like this, though!Heniboy

#3 Meet Brain the professor

#3 Meet Brain the professorfukeryyy

#4 Time is not real, deadlines are a social construct

#4 Time is not real, deadlines are a social constructrainbowkarolina

#5 So much consideration

#5 So much considerationliv_reed17

#6 You have attachment issues

#6 You have attachment issuesSaeedDiCaprio

#7 "My son’s business professor sent this out to his class"

#7 GummyBear2525

#8 He's hardcore about it

#8 He's hardcore about itelizabethpriyaa

#9 Just telling it like it is

#9 Just telling it like it issaintalakae

#10 "I matched with my professor on Tinder right after our final. This is what he messaged me"

#10 lavenderribbons

#11 "One typo in my email LED to a seriously good laugh, big props to my professor for having such a sense of humor"

#11 2percentaccuracy

#12 At least they were being honest

#12 At least they were being honestemilyschoka

#13 "Email I got from my biochem professor back in college. Best compliment I’ve ever received"

#13 MrCommentyCommenter

#14 "My professor's email for not doing our work"

#14 tariqali95

#15 Peak of academia

#15 Peak of academianarwhalsarefalling

#16 Please help him

#16 Please help himhailzfitz444

#17 4/20 emails are something

#17 4/20 emails are somethingtrujillo_jewell

#18 A personal alarm clock

#18 A personal alarm clockGHopp16

#19 So when's the deadline?

#19 So when's the deadline?superguff17

#20 Honors Advisor

#20 Honors Advisormountainashfae

#21 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce

#21 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commercegeezatrix

#22 So much passive aggressiveness

#22 So much passive aggressivenessperlapucci

#23 We ALL stan

#23 We ALL stanbrynndle_n

#24 College is this chill...sometimes

#24 College is this chill...sometimeskrishnadewme

#25 Whatever

#25 Whateverkade_walker

#26 "Email from a professor at my school"

#26 jtfff

#27 What

#27 WhatBeGay_DoScience

#28 "Facebook friend emailed his professor over a grade dispute. This was his response"

#28 steelersfever

#29 "My physics professor was a bit casual today when emailing us about cancelling class"

#29 Footy_man

#30 "An accidental text from my math teacher"

#30 Stage63

Years in college may seem long and slow, but once you look back, you would begin to appreciate the kinds of experiences you have gone through along the way, including your interactions with professors. If you're still in college now, appreciate the little things while they last!

Comment down your thoughts below or share these hilarious screenshots for all your family and friends to see!
